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Long-term parking

Where are we going?
Zooming out a little, the stock has been very tired and boring for many months. Let's have a look at the latest in NVDA and examine if it is "long-term parking" like for Adriana in Sopranos or if it still is a "long-term park in the portfolio" like the majority of sell-side still hopes.
The Trump Recession

How bad is it?
Trump's honeymoon with the financial markets is over. The US economy looks like it is rolling over. Goldman just "gave up" on their above-consensus view. There are worrying signs in terms of inflation. Let's have a look at the latest data and views.
Hit in the Head by a DOGE Ball

Hello growth scare
U.S. Economic Surprise Indices are rolling over towards “misses” on average versus expectations...Nomura's Charlie McElligott warns that the "Growth-Scare" scenario has picked up incremental delta. Could this be the calm before the storm?
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