
Dr. Leana Wen Admits Some COVID 'Conspiracy Theories' Were Actually True

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...former CNN medical analyst who famously stated that “the unvaccinated should not be allowed to leave their homes,”

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt": Former MI6 Head Told Boris Johnson COVID-19 "Was Engineered In The WIV"

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China even retrospectively manipulated viral samples to give credence to the deception...

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Five Years Later, We Remember How Politicians Unleashed COVID Tyranny

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They’ll do it again if we let them...

'They Knew... & Covered It Up': German Intel Told Govt In 2020 That COVID Originated In Chinese Lab

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Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service (BND) has long had evidence that the Covid-19 virus originally came from a lab in Wuhan, China. It was kept classified, however...

Zerohedge Debates

RFK Jr Pauses Multi-Million Dollar Contract To Develop New COVID-19 Vaccine

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“I’m going to ensure that there are science-based safety studies available, and people can make their own assessments about whether a vaccine is good for them.”

Trump Could Be About To Ban COVID Vaccines; Report

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mRNA vaccines may be paused and retested...

Louisiana To End Mass Vaccine Promotion, Surgeon General Announces

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The state’s surgeon general said he believes some of the ‘greatest missteps’ during COVID-19 were on vaccines.

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FDA Misled The Judiciary About Pfizer's Vaccine Documents

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“The FDA has been hiding a million pages from the Court, the plaintiff, and the public. Only those concerned about the truth seek to conceal evidence...”

FDA Lab Uncovers Excess DNA Contamination In COVID-19 Vaccines

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Tests conducted at the FDA’s White Oak Campus in Maryland found that residual DNA levels exceeded regulatory safety limits by 6 to 470 times...

L.A. Times Columnist Renews Attacks On 'Lab-Leak Theory' While Dismissing Criticism Of China

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The L.A. Times appears to be the last dog in this fight...

"No Consistent Patterns": Scientists Find No Evidence That Closing Schools Materially Reduced Transmission

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The suppression of the lab theory and the targeting of dissenting scientists show the true cost of censorship and viewpoint intolerance...

"Gigantic Rat's Nest": Taibbi Hints FBI Communications With COVID Scientists Will Be Exposed

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"There’s a reason why Fauci’s pardon is backdated to 2014..."

7 Charged In America's Biggest COVID Tax Credit Fraud Scheme

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Defendants allegedly used VPNs and shell companies to abuse public schemes and defraud the government.

Federal Government Drops COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement For Legal Immigrants

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...the revocation of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate “marks a significant and positive development.

Supreme Court Denies RFK Jr. Request To Block California's Doctor Investigations Over COVID-19 Advice

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She did not explain why...

Vaccine-Injured Tell UK COVID Inquiry They Are "An Uncomfortable Truth"

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“We are an uncomfortable truth, but we are a truth, and the truth is for everyone in our group, the vaccine caused serious harm and death...”

Court Upholds $7.8 Million Verdict For Transit Workers Fired For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine

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A California judge denied BART’s requests to overturn the verdict, saying the agency failed to show an undue hardship for not granting religious exemption...

Silence Of The Labs: How A Censorship Campaign Failed To Kill A COVID Origin Theory

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The suppression of the lab theory and the targeting of dissenting scientists show the true cost of censorship and viewpoint intolerance...

CNN Reveals "Troubling" Poll: American Trust In Vaccines Is Plummeting

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The attempted covid coup only ended up inspiring more public suspicion than ever before...

Key Figures From "Thank You Dr. Fauci" Lead The Quest For COVID-19 Accountability

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Basically the A-Team...