
People Are Catching On To The Truth

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden
Wednesday, Jan 08, 2025 - 07:25 PM

Authored by Chris Martenson via,

Is Biden Trying To Destroy The US’s Energy Future?

Energy is THE master resource.  Have that and everything is possible.  Without it, nothing is possible.

The level of sheer petulance on display by the Biden administration on their way our to door is staggering.  They’ve tried and failed, thankfully, to kick of WW III by lobbing long-range missiles into Russia.  They treated the Western North Carolina hurricane victims so horribly, and continue to do so, that it’s a miracle that hasn’t erupted into violence.  They ran an extremely poorly conducted drones-over-Jersey PsyOp.

Then Biden pardoned some of the worst possible people on the planet, including a judge that shanghaied kids into a prison-for-profit program for infuriatingly stingy kickbacks given the fact that some of the kids committed suicide as a result, and lives were derailed and ruined in all cases.

The two terror incidents were immediately utilized as weapons-grade PsyOps by who knows which over-funded “intelligence” agencies to distract and divide and divert civilian attention while they dialed-for-dollars in a new political landscape where their relevance may have suddenly come into question.

But all of that pales in comparison to the truly stunning attempts by the Biden administration (which we still have no idea who or what we’re really speaking of when we type that out) to hamstring American’s access to affordable, reliable energy and efficient equipment.

The headlines begin with Biden invoking the 1952 Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, meaning Trump would need Congressional involvement to reverse this action:


Most distressingly, Team Biden are of the delusion that oil and gas are “unnecessary to meet our nation’s energy needs.” 

While this may or may not be true, nobody can make that statement because the alternative pathway has never been spelled out.

Repeat after me; there is no plan. 

If there were I’d have found it and shared it with you in detail.

Fun fact:  China has such a plan and it’s coherent, logical and achievable.  It involves a believable mix of nuclear, fossil fuels, efficiency measures, and a 1% per year adoption rate for bringing wind and solar into the grid up to a maximum of 12% which is the most they feel can be tolerated by such an unstable, intermittent source.

Double fun fact: Europe has the same delusional alt-energy mindset as the US, only they are busy watching their industrial economy crumble before their very eyes while seemingly unable to process that information correctly.  Perversely, but predictably, the response from the technocrats is “more regulations – that’s what we need!”

But wait!  There’s more!

The day after Christmas, Team Biden turned into the Grinch and took away the most energy efficient means of heating water available for homeowners.

Biden Bans Scores of Natural Gas Water Heaters, Driving Up Prices With Lame-Duck Regulations

The Biden administration finalized climate regulations to ban most natural gas-powered instantaneous water heaters—a move that critics say will drive up costs for consumers.

The Department of Energy—which formally published the rules the day after Christmas—didn’t issue a press release announcing the action, a departure from past appliance regulations. The published rules say the regulations are expected to help the climate by curbing carbon dioxide emissions.

Overall, under the regulations, roughly 40 percent of the new tankless water heaters available in the United States today will be taken off the market by 2029. Experts and industry officials say that will force consumers to purchase either more expensive or less efficient water heater models.

One industry analysis estimates that consumers will pay $450 more on average when purchasing new water heaters thanks to the regulations. And that will impact low-income and senior households, which are most reliant on the models targeted by the Department of Energy.


What’s truly bizarre, at least if you’re trying to understand this from within their stated narrative about addressing the Climate Crisis, is that they are busy banning the most energy efficient water heaters on the market:

How does that make any sense at all?

It doesn’t and you’ll only break your brain trying to make it fit.

You might as well adopt the explanatory framework of Steve Martin in The Jerk:

Alternatively, maybe they don’t hate the cans, or the appliances at all, maybe they hate you.

To build out this thesis let’s explore the idea in play in full.  They’ve stated their goal in full; they want everything moved over to using electricity.

They want EV’s.  That fits.

They want induction stoves, not gas.  That fits.

They want electrical hot water, not gas.  That fits.

What doesn’t fit is that they haven’t made any corresponding moves to prepare the national electrical grid and power generation to supply all that electricity.

Which means the electrical grid is at risk of becoming unstable.  Oh wait.  It already is.

At least according to this quite good article in Bloomberg that came out last week:

AI data centers are multiplying across the US and sucking up huge amounts of power. New evidence shows they may also be distorting the normal flow of electricity for millions of Americans. This map shows readings from about 770,000 home sensors, with red zones indicating areas with the most distorted power.

The problem is threatening billions in damage to home appliances and aging power equipment, especially in areas like Chicago and “data center alley” in Northern Virginia, where distorted power readings are above recommended levels.

An exclusive Bloomberg analysis shows that more than three-quarters of highly-distorted power readings across the country are within 50 miles of significant data center activity. While many facilities are popping up near major US cities and adding stress to already fragile grids, this trend holds true in rural areas as well.


The problem is subtle – all of your appliances are geared to run on a very specific voltage operating at a stable (and pure sine wave) 60Hz.

The article continues:

Every day, Americans reach into their refrigerators or turn on their dishwashers without much thought given to the electricity flowing through their homes. But a hidden problem now threatens these seemingly mundane tasks: distorted power supplies.

The term for the issue is “bad harmonics.” It may seem a bit esoteric, but you can think of it like the static that can be heard when a speaker’s volume is jacked up higher than it can handle. Electricity travels across high-voltage lines in waves, and when those wave patterns deviate from what’s considered ideal, it distorts the power that flows into homes. Bad harmonics can force home electronics to run hot, or even cause the motors in refrigerators and air conditioners to rattle. It’s an issue that can add up to billions of dollars in total damage.

More importantly, bad harmonics are symptomatic of much deeper problems that are engulfing the US grid.

Distorted waves are just one measure of broader power quality. When homes experience good, or stable, power quality, it means that the flow of electricity for lights and appliances is being delivered at an even and predictable pace. The worse power quality gets, the more the risk increases. Sudden surges or sags in electrical supplies can lead to sparks and even home fires. Left unaddressed, one problem can morph into another. That means the bad harmonics of today can be a sign of potential disaster down the road.

“Harmonics are a pretty good canary in the coal mine for early signs of stress and problems,” said Bob Marshall, chief executive officer of Whisker Labs Inc.


  • First, we learn that there’s already an unacceptable level of ‘above-limit’ power distortion in the US.

  • Second that these distortions mainly occur with 50 miles of massive data centers clearly indicating that they are a main culprit.

  • Third we learn that the costs of power distortions will be largely borne by residential customers in the form of ruined appliances and possibly house fires.

  • Fourth, in induction, we learn that the Biden administration hates us because they are busy banning gas water heaters but saying absolutely nothing about the above issue.  Nor did Team Biden say squat about Meta’s announcement of putting in a 2.2 GW natural gas-powered plant to operate its data center.

What does all this mean?

Here’s an idea.  It means that the future that the Biden-types have in mind is energy poor, unstable, and exists to power data centers which will be primarily used to keep track of you presumably so you can be more easily controlled.

The fact that the grid is becoming more unstable is irrelevant to them.  The fact that cheap energy is THE lifeblood of an industrial e3conomy is also of no concern to them.  The fact that electricity will become more expensive and drive more people deeper into poverty is also apparently of no concern to them.

If it were, we’d already see the crash program of nuclear scale up in motion and the build-out of our electrical grid underway.  Neither are happening.

Therefore, the electrification of our lifestyles is not truly what they care about.  To the extent those words come out of their mouths it is merely performative and not actually serious.

Therefore, logically, it is our way of life that is actually under attack and which they want to dismantle.

So no oil, no gas, no gas stove, no efficient water heaters, and no stable grid for you!

First Conclusion

Again, if ‘they’ were true believers in Climate Change they’d be leading the charge by flying coach, selling off their surplus waterfront homes, and investing their own money (not the public’s!) in alt-energy solutions.

Broadly speaking, none of that is happening, so they don’t really believe in it either.

What they do believe in is controlling the masses.  Once everyone is herded over into an electrical future, then everything about that future is controllable with the flick of a switch.  This is the conclusion that fits best with fact-pattern.

But the people are waking up…and they are pissed.




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