Leftist Media Blames Trump For Second Failed Assassination Attempt
In the lead up to the 2020 election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden the US was embroiled in a host of civil conflicts from BLM and Antifa riots to debates over the pandemic response. The Democrat's election message was essentially a "return to normalcy" - "Wouldn't it be nice if all these riots and disruptions stopped? Vote for Joe and it will all go away."
Except, it didn't go away.
Today as the 2024 election swiftly approaches the public is being made a very similar empty offer; the claim being that none of this political drama would be happening if Trump wasn't a factor. It is this argument that is being used to justify not one but two separate near-miss assassination attempts on Trump, both carried out by confirmed supporters of Democrat institutions like ActBlue and the latest suspect, 58-year-old Ryan Routh, is a verified Bernie Sanders and DNC supporter who actively tried to recruit foreign mercenaries for the war in Ukraine. (Claims that Routh voted for Trump in 2016 appear to be false. Records from his residence in North Carolina show Routh did not vote in 2016).
This is 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh. A background check on Routh turned up about 50 pages of criminal activity. (Yes, 50). Most of the charges state 'charges filed, unspecified' and cover a time span from 1984 to 2019.
— Sarah Fields (@SarahisCensored) September 15, 2024
He is registered to vote in Guilford County, North… pic.twitter.com/0bBOJwCI0L
Establishment news platforms blame Trump for both attempts on his life.
The second assertion by leftists is that Democrats like Kamala Harris are not responsible for the actions of two "random" unhinged shooters and the political left is mostly peaceful, but this excuse doesn't hold up to scrutiny. In fact, Democrat media rhetoric for the past several years has radicalized progressive activists into a delusional frenzy, with millions of them being told that Trump and conservatives are an "existential threat to Democracy" similar to the Third Reich.
The Russian Collusion hoax, the false claims of insurrection on January 6th and the false claims about Trump's "racism" have driven these people insane and, in their minds, killing him would save the world. Demonize your political enemies enough and any criminal action could be treated as justifiable. This zealotry is not limited to a handful of bad apples, it's pervasive among progressive groups.
The classic Marxist strategy is to attack the target leadership or system as much as possible while claiming your attempts at sabotage are actually the fault of the very people you seek to destroy. In other words, gaslight your political opponents and tell everyone they made you do bad things to them. Leftists must remain the perpetual victims, the perpetual underdogs, otherwise their entire narrative as "revolutionaries" falls apart.
It should be noted that only one side of the American discourse has consistently supported violence and assassination as their go-to solution to the possibility of losing the election.
The corporate media want to blame Trump for the second assassinat*on attempt on his life today.
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) September 16, 2024
His mortal sin? Disagreeing with Democrats.
Here are two straight minutes of partisan Democrats spreading hateful and incendiary rhetoric about Donald Trump:pic.twitter.com/6t3q9XJuv7
This is not to say that the scale needs to be "balanced out" (that's a debate for another time), only that leftists continue to ignore the very democracy they claim to defend whenever public sentiment doesn't go their way. Make no mistake, if Ryan Routh had been successful there would be millions of Democrats on social media cheering and gloating today. They don't care about what's right, they only care about "winning."
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