
"The Black Man, Ketanji": Biden Lost In Racial Jungle Of His Own Mind

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden
Thursday, Jul 18, 2024 - 01:45 PM

Joe Biden glitched hard whilst trying to pander to black voters, forgetting the name of his own Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, and instead referring to him as "the black man."

Then, struggling to remember any black person's name, he whips out Supreme Court Justice "Ketanji Brown" who Biden nominated.

"And so, it's all about, it's all about treating people with dignity. It's about making sure that—look. I mean, for example, look at the heat I'm getting because I named uh, the secretary of defense, the Black man, I named Ketanji Brown, I mean, because of the people I've named."

And no Joe, you got heat because Austin is a former Raytheon board member.

Going back in time, recall that Biden - who started his career in Congress with a KKK 'Exalted Cyclops' mentor (Robert Byrd)...

In 1977, Biden said that forcing schools to desegregate schools with bussing programs would cause his children to "grow up in a racial jungle."

And of course, Biden referred to Barack Obama as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy."

 Imagine what Biden calls Pete Buttigieg, or his transgender assistant Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine?
