
LGBTQ™ Roundup: Mengele-Tier Butchery of Handicapped Children as ‘Medicine’

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by Armageddon Prose
Saturday, Jan 25, 2025 - 6:26

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

LGBTQ™ Propaganda Roundup: Nip/tucking the latest social engineering fisted from on high upon the American public.

Mengele-tier butchery of handicapped children in the name of medicine

The Mengele analogies are sometimes overblown.

In this case, it’s not.

I’ve been balls-deep in the predatory LGBTQ+++™ ideological agenda weaponized against children’s malleable psychology for a long while now, my skin coarsened in the process, and even this — well, let’s just say it takes me aback.

Via The Post Millennial (emphasis added):

Psychiatrist Dan Karasic delivered a talk titled "Managing patients with co-occurring mental health diagnoses" at the San Francisco Trans Health Summit pre-conference event… and in the audience was none other than Dr. Diane Ehrensaft, a leading figure in the field of child sex changes, who shared baffling anecdotes about non-verbal children expressing their gender identities.

In an audio recording of the talk obtained by The Post Millennial, Karasic can be heard asserting that severe autism should not prevent a person from being approved for an experimental medical sex change, dismissing the common concern of parents that a fixation on gender is due to the intense focus of interests typical of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and engaging in the bizarre exchange of ideas with Ehrensaft about youth communicating their transgender identity through drawing.”

Look what these monsters with medical licenses did to this cerebral palsy-afflicted girl

Related: 'Trans Buddies' Now Assigned to Monitor Doctors for Transphobia

Diverse city councilor ‘misgendered,’ takes month leave for ‘mental health break’

When I see East Asians behaving in this manner, I like to imagine what their kinfolk would say if they ever returned to their homeland — in this case Vietnam.

Their pampered delusions and non-binary self-identities would find no refuge here, surely — instead, they’d get blank stares through unbelieving mongoloid eyes and probably a much-needed bamboo caning from their grandmother for being an entitled cunt.

The ethnic Massachusetts tranny on the receiving end of brutal hatecrime, unable to do its job for fear of its safety

Thailand goes all-in on tranny marriage

In the West, the trajectory has typically gone 1.) gay marriage to get the camel’s nose under the tent, then 2.) all the tranny and non-binary stuff after the public has been acclimated to modern gender norms.

Thailand skipped the gradualism and dove head-first into the trannyism and gay marriage all at once.

Via The Guardian (emphasis added):

More than 1,800 same-sex couples have married in Thailand after the country became the first in south-east Asia to recognise equal marriage following a two-decade struggle by activists.

Thailand’s parliament flew rainbow flags, while special wedding events were held in malls and district offices across the country…

Paetongtarn Shinawatra, the prime minister, said on social media: “Today, the rainbow flag is proudly flying over Thailand.”

Her predecessor, Srettha Thavisin, who attended the mass wedding in Bangkok, congratulated couples, and criticised Donald Trump, who on Monday decreed there were only two genders in the US. “Recently a country’s leader said that there were only two genders, but I think we are more open-minded than that,” he said.”

The flag flies high over parliament, signifying another nation cowed to the trannies. It’s only a matter of time before tranny storytime hour comes to the trendiest Bangkok kindergartens.

Related: Polish High Court Rules National Sovereignty Supersedes EU Authority, EU Sues

Biden-groomed Delaware freshman tranny senator, Tim McBride, teaches public school children all about virtues of trannyism

Speaking of tranny propaganda for kids, here is freshman senator Tim “Sarah” McBride, a product of the Brandon political machine, indoctrinating children in public school — for Equity™, and Inclusion™.

The kids enraptured by tranny storytime with Sen. Tim

RelatedWATCH: Teachers' Union President Seemingly Channels Demon, Speaks in Tongues

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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