
Buy Gold: Simon Hunt Warns of Imminent Global Conflict!

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by GoldCore
Thursday, Oct 24, 2024 - 15:36

Just over an hour ago I spoke to the leading economist and geopolitical analyst Simon Hunt. I have interviewed him previously, and this latest occasion didn't disappoint. Speaking to Simon is a very sobering experience. He doesn't dress things up. The timing of our conversation was particularly apt given his areas of expertise. From natural resource wars to Trump making peace with Russia, through to China backing its currency with gold there was a wealth of invaluable information and insight. This makes it a must-watch for anyone looking to protect and future-proof their portfolio.

One subject that came up is of course the BRICs and the 2024 summit, which at the time of writing is coming to its conclusion. A lot of rumours and expectations surround the meeting. It is no secret that the member nations seek alternatives to Western political and financial dominance. For some this means the establishment of a separate financial system; one that works against the weaponization of the US dollar. Many commentators have speculated that the solution will involve a basket of currencies, including gold. For now, there is no new announcement on this. However, it is telling that the leading nations in the BRICs organization have openly expressed their desire to own more gold, and to operate outside of a system which has failed to put their interests first for so long.

Of course, the desire to own gold isn't something that is exclusive to central banks, anyone can own gold and this is something increasing numbers of individuals, family offices, businesses and central banks are becoming aware of. Just as we pressed 'send' on this newsletter last week, gold hit yet another all-time-high. The U.S. presidential elections and the conflict in the Middle East continue to drive investors toward safe-haven assets, while more accommodating monetary policies have helped keep prices high. Right now all fingers point upwards, as gold continues to be an under-bought asset class, and it is fully expected that more of us will look to own the yellow metal.

It would be remiss of me not to mention silver. Many of you have been frustrated with silver's sideways movement over the last five months. However last Friday it really began to move, and in the last week has hit a 12 year high. It's starting to benefit from some significant tailwinds. Standby as it starts to show us what it can do on its own.


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