
Poll: 28% of Democrats Approve of Trump Assassination

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by Armageddon Prose
Thursday, Sep 19, 2024 - 12:52

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

A plurality of the liberal and loving members of the Democrat™ party, the self-anointed stewards of morality, shrugs its shoulders when asked if Trump getting shot in the head on live television might not be a great thing for the nation.

Over a quarter of them actually endorse it.

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Via Napolitan Institute (emphasis added):

The desensitization of some Americans following the second assassination attempt of former President Trump is alarming. Seventeen percent (17%) of voters believe America would have been better off if former President Trump had been killed in last week’s attempted assassination.

That figure includes 28% of Democrats who say that America would have been better off if Trump had been assassinated. Another 24% of Democrats were not sure. Fewer than half (48%) of Democrats could bring themselves to say that America would not be better off if the opposing party’s candidate for president had been assassinated….

Despite two assassination attempts in two months, just over half of all Democrats (51%) don’t see a need to increase Trump’s security detail. Among all voters, 62% think Trump’s security should be increased and 32% disagree.”

Meanwhile, Democrats are very publicly scheming to deprive Trump of the presidency even if he overcomes and fraud wins in their rigged election in November by declaring him ineligible (extrajudicially) on account of the 14th Amendment.

Beyond just being brazenly anti-democratic, this is also flirting with civil war — which Raskin acknowledges himself when he demands bodyguards and predicts “civil war conditions” once they steal it (again). 

Via The Federalist (emphasis added):

If you listen to U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the real insurrection will be led by Democrats and it will begin on Jan. 6, 2025 — should the American people dare to elect former President Donald Trump president again.

In a video clip making the rounds Monday on social media, the far left firebrand laments what he characterizes as a lazy U.S. Supreme Court interfering with the Democratic Party’s plan to interfere with the 2024 election.

And so [the court] want to kick it to Congress, so it’s going to be up to us on Jan. 6, 2025 to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified,” Raskin said in a panel discussion on Feb. 17, as the Supreme Court was mulling the constitutionality of the leftist Colorado secretary of state’s use of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to remove Trump from the state’s presidential primary ballot.

“And then we need bodyguards for everybody and civil war conditions all because nine justices — not all of them, but these justices who have not many cases to look at every year, not much work to do, have a huge staff, great protection — simply do not want to do their job and interpret what the great 14th Amendment means,” Raskin declared at a Washington, D.C. bookstore gathering of self-important leftists.”

The call to subvert the election is dressed up, of course, in legalistic jargon, but make no mistake what this scumbag is saying: when Trump wins in November, Raskin and his comrades are going to declare the elected president disqualified and the election null and void, who will then all require bodyguards because they’ll have committed treason.

And then all civil remedies have been exhausted, and it’s clobbering time.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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