
Kansas AG Sues Pfizer For Rigging Clinical Trials

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by Armageddon Prose
Wednesday, Sep 18, 2024 - 11:55

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.

Republican governors pledge to resist WHO pandemic treaty

Non-binding pledges for what look like PR purposes don’t mean much coming from politicians, but let’s not look a gift-horse in the mouth.

Via Children’s Health Defense (emphasis added):

Twenty-six U.S. governors — over half of the nation’s state leaders — have stated publicly that they will not comply with a World Health Organization (WHO)-led global attempt at controlling U.S. Americans’ health.

In their Aug. 29 statement, the 26 governors — all Republicans — and the Republican Governors Association accused the WHO of “attempting one world control over health policy” by promoting a “pandemic agreement” or “pandemic treaty.”

“Put simply,” they wrote, “Republican Governors will not comply.””

Republican leaders have been busy over the last few years attempting revisionist history regarding what they did or did not do during COVID to resist the lockdowns/mask mandates/vaxx mandates pushed from on high.

I’m not a huge fan of Kristi Noem — and she’s probably not going too far in national politics after bragging in her memoir about executing the family puppy named Cricket in a gravel pit like some kind of war atrocity —but she’s absolutely right that there’s a lot of credit-taking for principled leadership in the GOP where credit’s not necessarily deserved. Hers was one of the few states that never locked down even for a moment.

           RelatedPeople With Plastic Faces Are Not to Be Trusted

Via Business Insider, July 2021 (emphasis added):

“In a Sunday speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Texas, Gov. Kristi Noem accused GOP governors of "rewriting history" after having instituted COVID-19 restrictions like lockdowns and mask mandates.

"We've got Republican governors across this country pretending they didn't shut down their states; that they didn't close their beaches; that they didn't mandate masks, that they didn't issue shelter-in-place orders," Noem said. "Now I'm not picking fights with Republican governors. All I'm saying is that we need leaders with grit. That their first instinct is to make the right decision. That they don't backtrack and then try to fool you into thinking they never made the wrong decision."”

Kansas sues Pfizer over COVID vaxx lies

Given that the pharmaceutical corporations that manufactured the shots were gifted blanket immunity by the government, the only real recourse against them at the moment — aside from the lofty pipe dream of Nuremberg II and public executions — is on false advertising grounds and manipulating trial data.

The emergency use authorizations and legal immunity are null if they were obtained through fraud, which is what hopefully can be proven in a court of law in Kansas.  

Via National Review (emphasis added):

The state of Kansas filed an explosive consumer-protection lawsuit against Pfizer last week full of accusations that the pharmaceutical giant misled the public on the safety and efficacy of its Covid-19 vaccine.

Kansas is accusing Pfizer of knowingly misleading the public about the adverse effects of its coronavirus vaccine and manipulating its vaccine-safety trials in violation of state consumer-protection law and previous consent judgements. The lawsuit cites interviews, press releases, internal documents, scientific research, government research, news reporting, and other sources of information to back up its incendiary claims.

“Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was safe even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and deaths. Pfizer concealed this critical safety information from the public,” the lawsuit asserts.”

RelatedPfizer Whistleblower Exposes Vaxx Fraud, Federal Court Dismisses Lawsuit

I haven’t met many celebrities in my life, but I was, once, forcibly introduced by his devoted, starry-eyed secretary to The Secretary Kris Kobach, the Kansas AG prosecuting this case who at the time was Secretary of State, when I delivered a Better Ingredients, Better Pizza™ Papa John’s thing to his office in Topeka, Kansas in 2014.

Why his secretary wanted us to meet I had no idea; I just wanted the cash so I could leave. She ushered me into his presence, he dismissively offered his automatic handshake with nearly no eye contact, the secretary tipped me some modest amount, and we parted ways.

Brushes with greatness…

No word yet on whether Pfizer will dispatch its mascot/bitch, Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, to do damage control on the Great Plains.

RelatedNFL Superstar Travis Kelce Shills the Pfizer Vax

African babies eligible for monkeypox vaxx, WHO says

The babies of Africa continue their conscripted service as the global pharmaceutical industry’s human guinea pigs.

Given that monkeypox is exclusively contracted through sexual contact, we must ask ourselves why a six-month-old would need to be vaccinated for it, and in light of the inevitable answer, further consider that monkeypox might be the least of this child’s issues.

            Related‘Gay Virus’ Monkeypox Makes Historic Comeback as WHO Announces New Public Health™ Crisis

…Unless we’re just going with Occam’s Razor, which is that mRNA vaxxes for babies is a lucrative business model — not only the shot itself but the lifetime supply of medical profiteering down the line when the side effects emerge. 

Via Children's Health Defense (emphasis added):

The World Health Organization (WHO) today approved the first mpox vaccine for use in adults — and also said it can be used for babies, children, teens and pregnant women if they are in “outbreak settings where the benefits of vaccination outweigh the potential risks.”…

In its press release, the WHO said the MVA-BN vaccine can be administered to adults over 18 as a two-dose injection four weeks apart but can also be given as a single dose “in supply-constrained outbreak situations.”

“While MVA-BN is currently not licensed for persons under 18 years of age,” it said, “this vaccine may be used ‘off-label’ in infants, children and adolescents, and in pregnant and immunocompromised people.”

The WHO called for more data on the vaccine’s safety and efficacy in these situations.

The WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization — which reviewed all available evidence and recommended the use of MVA-BN vaccine — noted in its Weekly Epidemiological Record report that “MVA-BN has not been specifically studied in clinical trials in children.””

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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