
With Mail-In Ballots Assisting, Moldova Votes For Pro-War Alignment With EU/NATO - Conflict Is Now Imminent

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden

Authored by Sundance via The Conservative Treehouse,

For more than two years we have been saying to keep an eye on Moldova in the background.  Yesterday Moldova held their national election, and while the actual number of people living in Moldova voted for the anti-war position, once the overseas ballots were added the results changed.  The nationalists became the minority and the pro-war/pro-EU globalists declared victory.

This may seem like a relatively ‘over there’ and small issue.  However, the people who control Joe Biden, the U.S. State Dept and the CIA have been positioning themselves in/around Moldova for several years now.  Watch out for Moldova to become the spark that leads to escalated conflict with Russia.

Moldova has a significant population of pro-Russia citizens in the east, which makes the internal domestic dynamic a little strenuous to manage. It is very similar to Ukraine in that regard. It is much smaller than Ukraine, but similar inside the national political dynamic.  Additionally, the geopolitical dynamic that is unfolding with the use of Moldova is identical to how the U.S/NATO exploited Ukraine.

A lot depends on what happens tomorrow in the U.S. election.  This aspect cannot be overstated.  However, there is now a high degree of confidence, if the people behind Kamala Harris are able to pull off a manipulated USA election, Moldova will immediately become the fulcrum for expanded direct conflict between the “west”, led by the USA, and Russia.

With the globalists and pro-war EU institutions how cemented into the national politics of Moldova, all of the elements for an unstable powder keg are in place.  Just like Ukraine, Vladimir Putin will not permit the open use of geographical proximity to provoke conflict directly on Russia’s border.  What Ukraine was, Moldova now is.

ASSOCIATED PRESS – CHISINAU, Moldova (AP) — Moldova’s pro-Western President Maia Sandu has won a second term in a pivotal presidential runoff against a Russia-friendly opponent, in a race that was overshadowed by claims of Russian interference, voter fraud, and intimidation in the European Union candidate country.

With nearly 99% of votes counted in the second round of the presidential election held Sunday, Sandu had 55% of the vote, according to the Central Electoral Commission, or CEC, compared to 45% for Alexandr Stoianoglo, a former prosecutor general who was backed by the pro-Russia Party of Socialists.

The result will be a major relief for the pro-Western government, which strongly backed Sandu’s candidacy, and her push for closer Western ties on Moldova’s path toward the EU.

[…] When polls closed locally at 9 p.m. (1900 GMT), turnout stood at more than 1.68 million people — about 54% of eligible voters, according to the CEC. Moldova’s large diaspora, which cast ballots in record numbers of more than 325,000 voted, heavily in favor of Sandu in the runoff. (read more)

It was the Moldovan ex-pat community, living outside Moldova, that overwhelmingly decided the fate of this small nation that borders Russia.

Oddly, and I have made ancillary mention to this in the past, there is an absolutely massive population of ex-pat Moldovans living in/around Jackson Hole Wyoming.  Years ago I started noticing it, but I had no real context to understand why there was such a dense population of people from a relatively obscure country all in one place. We all know who else lives in Jackson Hole, Wyoming: Dick and Liz Cheney.

The people living in Moldova are majority aligned with Russia.  However, the people voting in the election from outside Moldova changed the dynamic of the election.  This reality creates a major source of angst for Russia and Vladimir Putin.  This dynamic also creates the point on the stick the EU/USA and CIA will use to poke the bear.

Watch closely.

War is more imminent today than it was yesterday.

