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What great industry, engineering, and science must exist in Yemen to be able to make such missiles.
Ruby Freeman is Crockett's main political supporter and brings all the votes she and her daughter command from under the table after midnight.
One would only think that these markets would have minimal protections from Truck attacks if one assumed German Authorities did not fully approve of the results of these attacks.
The German government are factually these attackers' enablers and by implication are ultimately behind the attacks.
"An innocent Saudi Truck driver was driving his Truck until an obnoxious drunken Christmas Market leapt into his path before he could avoid them."
Germany's Governing class excuse Germans' murderers because they approve of the murderers and wish the Germans did not exist.
How Germans decided that Libertarians, who believe in minimizing government authority, are allied with National Socialists, who believed in maximizing government authority, and deciding that the Greens, who believe in maximizing government, and the Socialists, who believe in maximizing government, and the CDU who believe in dissolving Germany except for its government, are opposed to the National Socialists is a mystery whose answer is known only to the CCP.
It is not that Rep Crockett's views are surprising in their racism, or the implied utility of government as exclusively a pork trough of stolen loot to be distributed on an overtly tribal basis. What is surprising is Rep Crockett's expectation that this appeal to the exclusive benefit of *some* black women, less than 7% of the population, can yield, and seemingly has yielded electoral success for her.
Pigeonholing oneself as serving the exclusive benefit of a tiny single-digit-percentage demographic cannot yield electoral success unless paired with a great deal of election fraud.
People should be asking if the majority of Crockett's voters are humans or Xerox machines.
For all these events to be happening in the West at the same time, all pointing to the same collection of authoritarian countermeasures and Leftist subversive goals, rather than ideologically divergent ones, indicates coordination and central direction on timing.
If this were 1975 or 1985 and this were not the US I would say confidently that the USSR was coordinating these events.
That they are happening in 2024 leaves only one subject capable of such broad covert coordination.
This media establishment form of "coming clean" is the "coming clean" of pathological liars.
They only admit to the lies that are already well-proven and pair them with very shallow temporary excuses.
Rinse and Repeat.
So, how many times do they need to be caught lying before people conclude they are pathological liars and discount their assertions accordingly?
"Clearing" required is minimal in the consumer economy.
The utility of Notes in the real world is marginal at distance. Notes are those bits of paper that people think of as money today.
They are absolutely no different than a cashiers check. Money deposited into a checking account is a demand-deposit and is not rehypothecated like savings. If the bank cannot redeem your checking balance with your counterparty across the country or world then they are bankrupt. It is that simple.
If the counterparty is across the city you don't even need bank clearing. You just take them the money. If they are at your same bank it is a simple transfer of ownership. If at another bank in your locality this is interbank clearing: one bank credits the other, then at intervals they do the physical clearance.
Using coinage rather than bits of paper changes nothing of bank clearance but the opportunity for fraud, which it vastly reduces.
The banking does not change one iota, switching from paper currency to coin age.
The greater issue is that credit is inherently logarithmic, unless there is an alternative source of money capable of extinguishing it periodically.
Lacking that commodity currency with which to extinguish credit, credit at interest can only be rolled over at interest. The compounding of multiple layers of interest rates is the logarithmic base.
Hence, over time your alternative to maintaining enough commodity currency to extinguish credit is default, either by contagion or infinite devaluation.
The degree of deflation your economy can tolerate is the inverse of the amount of credit that it must be possible to retire via commodities. If you have 60% credit/ 40% commodity, then your economy must be capable of sustaining 60% deflation.
No one but an investment bank should have the option of extending speculative credit via fractional reserves, because the alternative is to lend others' property without authorization or remuneration: Embezzling.
Currency "backing" is a gimmick.
The "backing" is the money being traded the currency is just the certificate of ownership.
But if you can't turn in the currency to get the "backing" then the currency was factually never backed. And your currency is just a certificate of nothing.
These are the tools of swindlers. And governments are all notorious swindlers.
If you want honest currency then silver coins 90% pure in 1-ounce, 1/4 ounce, 1/10th ounce, 1/20th ounce. And gold the same.
Those are your $1 through $3,000 bills. Easy to carry. Easy to authenticate.
If we all agree on sizes and weights then it won't even matter whose portrait is on it, or which nation's name.
That's how you make trade easy.
Never underestimate the tenacity of the insane to carry on.
They're insane. Yet they're still alive. A huge amount of tenacity is implied.
Why do I have to pay a "fair share" of their bills while they pay none of mine, including the ones they long ago agreed to pay?
Look, Demoncrats, I don't really care about your graft or pork in this particular bill all that much.
I am not concerned about your rhetoric.
I just want your whole organization to shut down, stay, down, dry up, and blow away.
So, please, let the histrionics begin.
Depends on which Americans and which Quebeqois we are speaking of. But, yes, the point is true by reason of political dominance.
What Quebec and Montreal say is Canadian Law. What the West says is not... hence the on again, off again secession movement.
Well, to be fair Albertans are a whole different sort than the denizens of Montreal and Quebec.
They're included in Canada under protest, and had popular movements in the 1970s to be the 51st US State.
Rent-Seekers have faith that the government can make their largely imaginary services mandatory, and their competitors' services illegal.
The government could impound the money going to most NGOs on day one.
The direct amount impounded would be tiny.
The amount of costs that those NGOs activities result in in terms of government operations, foreign assistance and other outlays is enormous.
They could also save a lot of money by allowing a lot of the money sent to the States, which first must be taxed in the State, to simply stay there. For instance, Departments collect huge sums from States, then selectively deal it back to the States after many grifting hands have reduced it. They could simply allow that transaction to be direct from the local IRS office to the State IRS.
But the biggest savings would come by sending the legions of rule-writers in the regulatory State home. They write tens of thousands of new pages of rules EACH YEAR. Reading and complying with those pages costs the American Economy trillions of dollars yearly.
Simply changing the default regulatory answer on any given question from 'No, unless...' to 'Yes, unless' will allow $ trillions of economic activities to happen that otherwise would be impossible.
But the way it was done, leaving arsenal enough to be a world power to the Taliban bordered on traitorous.
Note: I don't think any of that applied to LTG Eric Donahue. He wasn't in charge of the withdrawal. He was just the guy they called 9-1-1 to when it exploded in their faces.
Kamala's great talent was to transform a billion Dollars of campaign donations into a $20 million paycheck for herself.
What kind of idiots gave her money?
"Consider the context of being in your Being to understand the equality of equity unbound by what has been." - Kamamalalala Harrass
"Words are like fine art. Just throw $h!t at your canvas and let the audience torture their minds to put meaning to it." - Kamamalalala Harrass