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Member since Friday Jan 17, 2014 - 11:35 PM
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Recent Comments
I'm just waiting for Putin to drop a nuke on Ukraine and dare the world to respond.
Trump has already unstopped the drain and the swamp is draining fast!
Repeat after me. You can go F yourself. We do not need Democrats approval to govern now. Go to the corner and pout.
Haiti is a good example of "whitey is not your problem". You might want to look in the mirror.
Haiti, the original woke nation.
Sorcery my ass. They are probably turning the elderly into Soylent Green.
I never see any cats or dogs running around Haiti. I wonder why that is?
Draining the treasury dry to support wars abroad. George Washington warned us about this.
There are Neolibs too that support the flow of money to arms dealers.
Trump won the election because the powers that be in Washington despises him. That was enough to ensure he got my vote because I despise Washington.
The military industrial complex looking after its self at the expense of the people.
Good old America. We will spend billions on wars we should not be in but do not have one dime for veterans or Americans needing help.
Kamala said Trump was Hitler so which is it?
A money pit. I'm sure the Biden family is profiting from it.
Liberals told me Trump was Hitler.
Putin will not put up with NATO weapons being aimed at Russia from Ukrainian soil. We did not tolerate it when they were aimed at us from Cuba. Double standard?
Stop funding this lost cause. How many Americans could we have helped with that money?
Alan Greenspan let the cat out of the bag when he stated "The Federal Reserve can print into existence any amount needed to pay its financial responsibilities. What is cannot do is guarantee the stability of the purchasing power of the currency it prints."
The powers that be do not want you to know what real money is. This way they can steal your lives from you slowly over time through inflation by printing worthless paper.