
NVDA Slides As French Regulators Reportedly Ready Anti-Trust Charges

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by Tyler Durden
Monday, Jul 01, 2024 - 03:04 PM

French antitrust regulators are reportedly preparing to charge Nvidia for allegedly anti-competitive practices, people with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters, making it the first enforcer to do so.

The so-called statement of objections by the French regulators comes after dawn raids in the graphics cards sector in September last year which sources said targeted Nvidia.

The initial reaction was a selloff in NVDA stock but it has bounced back somewhat...

The world's largest maker of chips used both for artificial intelligence and for computer graphics has seen demand for its chips jump following the release of the generative AI application ChatGPT late last year, triggering regulatory scrutiny on both sides of the Atlantic.

So the socialist state decides its time to punish the winners?

How on earth they can claim NVDA is a monopoly - when literally every other chip manufacturer in the world is attempt ting to create their own AI chip/infrastructure - is beyond us.

Perhaps they will drop the suit if the share price plunges enough?
