
Charting AI Usage At Work, By Generation

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden
Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024 - 09:15 AM

Humans have always sought to create and implement tools that reduce meticulous tasks and enhance productivity–and AI is the newest tool people are adding to their toolbox.

In the past couple of years, AI tools like ChatGPT and Gemini have cemented themselves as staples in our modern work processes. Using large language models to do tasks like brainstorm ideas, summarize reports, or conduct research, have become increasingly common time-saving measures for knowledge workers.

In this chart, Visual Capitalist's Kayla Zhu visualizes the share of knowledge workers who use their own AI tools at work, broken down by generation. The figures come from Microsoft’s 2024 Work Trend Index Report, which surveyed 31,000 knowledge workers across 31 countries.

AI at Work Cuts Across Generations

While companies are still figuring out how to best incorporate AI into their formal systems, a majority of knowledge workers across generations are already using their own AI tools at work.

Across all four generations, the proportion of workers using personal AI tools at work ranges from 73% to 85%.

Unsurprisingly, the generation with the greatest share of workers bringing their own AI tools to work is Gen Z at 85%.

Gen Z, having navigated school and their early career stages during the rise of generative AI, has found it increasingly necessary to acquire AI skills to meet the growing demands of employers.

However, using AI at work isn’t as straightforward as it seems.

According to Microsoft’s report, 52% of people who use AI at work are hesitant to admit using it for more important tasks, and 53% worry that using it on important work tasks makes them look replaceable.

Pew Research Center found that in 2022, 19% of American workers were employed in jobs that are the most exposed to AI, in which the most important tasks may be replaced or assisted by AI.

Information technology and finance workers specifically have the highest share of tasks expected to be impacted by AI.

To learn more about which artificial intelligence tools workers use the most, check out this graphic that shows the most popular AI tools by web visits.




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