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Dr. McCullough on “The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification”

Every single day, more and more evidence comes out about Long COVID and Vaccine Injury syndrome and every single day we learn more about the culprit behind both: spike protein.
From Dr. Peter McCullough’s substack:
the primary cause of Long Covid & Vaccine Injury Syndromes—namely, the Spike Protein.
There is a steadily increasing body of evidence that the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and the spike protein induced by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines linger in the body for an indeterminate period of time.
If it seems like Long COVID and Vaccine Injury syndrome are closely related, it’s because they are:
Long Covid Syndrome and Vaccine Injury Syndrome seem to be closely related and to amplify each other. Because the vaccine does NOT prevent infection, we have seen cases in which the patient is repeatedly exposed to the viral spike protein and the spike protein induced by the vaccine and boosters. Moreover, we are concerned that the vaccine may actually be impairing the immune system's ability to mount an effective response when it is exposed to new variants. The trouble with the viral spike protein seems to be related to the fact that it did not arise through natural evolution, but was optimized in a laboratory to infect humans.
The good news is that there is a way to fight back against the damage being done by spike protein, thanks to the work of Dr. McCullough and his team of experts at The Wellness Company:
For the last three years, Dr. Peter McCullough has tirelessly sought to find any safe and effective molecule or combination of molecules that could eliminate the spike. While no silver bullet—such as penicillin against syphilis—has been found, he has assembled Spike detoxification protocol, consisting of over-the-counter Nattokinase, Bromelain, and Curcumin.
Dr. McCullough said that the most common question he gets asked is “how do I get this out of my body”:
Far and away the most common question I get from those who took one of the COVID-19 vaccines is: “how do I get this out of my body.”
Dr. McCullough’s Ultimate Spike Detox
Reclaim your health with this powerful blend of natural detoxifying ingredients. This clinical grade formula is the only one designed and used by Dr. Peter McCullough, the world’s leading pandemic expert and developer of the McCullough Base Spike Detoxification Protocol.
Scientifically formulated for use in the McCullough Protocol, Ultimate Spike Detox helps you get back to that pre-COVID feeling. Featuring Nattokinase, a key enzyme that may help break down spike protein and disrupt its function, along with Bromelain and Curcumin, provide your body with unparalleled support for cellular defense and detoxification.

What People are Saying About Ultimate Spike Detox
“Excellent product!!! Worked wonderfully! I’m so thankful for TWC! I got my health back!
“We ordered your spike protein cleans for our patients who took a couple of COVID 19 vaccinations. After about two weeks of them taking the supplements, their appetites increased and our mother with diagnosed heart issues claimed she wasn’t getting dizzy anymore.”
“I saw Dr. McCullough talk about the product and decided to give it a try. A month and a half later, I feel sooo much better. I also have recommended the product to family members to help them detox from the painful side effects of the vaccine.”
“I feel like I have had brain fog for the past 18 months and after taking this supplement noticed the fog lifting finally. I plan to buy more for myself and now a friend suffering from heart issues.”
“I am grateful for the Wellness Company and for you coming out with this spike protein vitamins. I am a big believer in natural healing and not pharmaceutical drugs. Thank you for doing what is right and for speaking truth in a world that is so dark.”