
"I Was Wrong": CNN Panelist Retracts Trump-Cheney "Firing Squad" Propaganda

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden

Update (1836ET): After the MSM spent the day in histrionics peddling the falsehood that Trump said Liz Cheney should face a firing squad, - when he was simply calling her a chickenhawk - CNN panelist Jonah Goldberg offered a mea culpa, and has retracted his claim that Trump called for Cheney's execution.

"This morning on CNN I referred to Trump’s “rifles” quote as him advocating a 'firing squad' for Liz Cheney," said Goldberg. "I was wrong to say he was calling for a firing squad execution. After I said that, my co-panelist, Brad Todd made the case that I was wrong."

"I let my disgust at Trump’s comments get the better of me as this was the first time I’d heard them."


This is going to make the decision by Arizona attorney general Kris Mayes (D-ildo) to investigate Trump's remarks look even more idiotic.

Meanwhile the nevertrumps are fighting, with Joe Walsh of all people defending the former president.

*  *  *

The left has fabricated a new hit on Donald Trump - suggesting that he said Liz Cheney should be executed after he clearly said she should fight in the wars she advocates for.

While discussing Cheney with Tucker Carlson, Trump said:

"She's a radical war hawk. Let's put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, ok? Let's see how she feels about it, you know, when the guns are trained on her face.

"You know they're all war hawks when they're sitting in Washington in a nice building saying 'oh gee, let's send 10,000 troops right into the mouth of the enemy."

Here's Drudge:

Here's CNN:

CNBC's Jim Cramer and Karl Quesadilla:

Here's Politico senior political columnist repeating the 'firing squad' lie (Jonathan you typically don't give the condemned their own rifle in a firing squad situation):

KamalaHQ seized and pounced:

Anyone with an IQ north of double-digits sees this for what it is:

