
Ending the Russia-Ukraine War

DeRisk's Photo
by DeRisk
Monday, Mar 24, 2025 - 19:49

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Girl with caption "Context for peace"

The potential of a ceasefire in the Russia Ukraine war is great news.  However few people realise the role they can play in bring this war to an end.  Public actors like Trump, Zelenskyy and Putin may sow the seed of peace but like any seed it will only grow if context is right.

This context for peace is where we come in.  Tump Zelenskyy and Putin focus on the content of a deal and we can focus on the context.  In the end there is no deal without an appropriate context.  It may not be headline grabbing work, but studies show it is the basis of lasting peace.

Picture of Trump Zelenkskyy and Putin

So how do we create the context for Russia-Ukraine peace?

A day-by-day study of a two-month assembly in Israel during August and September of 1983 showed that, on days when the number of participants at a peace-creating assembly was high, the intensity of the war in neighbouring Lebanon decreased sharply. Indeed, war deaths in Lebanon dropped by 76%.

To effect these changes participates of the peace assembly were using a process called Transcendental Meditation.

More impressive still, during one large peace-creating assembly with 8,000 meditators that continued for several years (1988-90), all major conflicts in the world came to an end including the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, a seven-year war between Iran and Iraq that had killed millions, and, most notably and unexpectedly, the Soviet-American Cold War that had threatened the world with nuclear annihilation for forty years.

In other words, while we may not have realised it, there is already the means to bring the Russian Ukraine conflict can end.  The public actors can do their work only when we have done ours by creating the context for peace.   

But why does a process like meditation work?

The key is to realise that everything, including drones, your thoughts and your toothbrush arise from a field of energy potential scientists call the Zero Point Field.  Spiritually it is called various names such as Source or the Infinite.

As the studies demonstrate we are able to consciously interact with this field to influence the outcomes we desire.

Professional athletes use this insight in their mental imagery to stay at the top of their game.  In one study participants were able to improve muscle strength by 24% lying on the couch using mental imagery alone compared to 28% for those who worked out.

To those embedded in the Russia Ukraine conflict this is not going to make sense.  This is because our interaction with the field is determined by our level of consciousness.  In his book Power Verses Force David Hawkins presents the now famous map of these levels.

A key threshold as men and women raise their level of consciousness occurs at 200 on the Hawkins scale.  This is clearly illustrated in this version produced by

David Hawkins' Map of Consciousness

Below 200 are levels of consciousness driven by negative emotions such as fear and hatred.  At this sub-200 level men and women lack the ability to consciously interact with the field.  Indeed they may have no notion of the existence of the field.  For them reality consists of the material world.  Hence they have no option but to use force to achieve what they want.  The results are predictably a projection of the emotions that drive them.

Only above consciousness level 200 do inklings of the true nature of power begin to emerge.  Above 200 the ability to consciously interact with the field becomes possible.  When meditators or professional athletes calm their mind they raise their consciousness so that their interaction with the field becomes effective.

When Hawkins lectured in the first decade of this century he found that around 80% of the world population were operating below 200.  So why do we not self-destruct?  Hawkins believes it is the 20% above 200 who keep the world from Armageddon.  In other words, conscious interaction with the field by the 20% above consciousness level 200 counterbalances the force perpetrated by the 80% of the population below 200.

Hawkins’ map suggests the great gift of a human life is the opportunity to raise one’s level of consciousness. Ultimately this appears to be the only show in town and conflicts like the Russia Ukraine war can be catalysts for the process.

It is no accident that the Russia-Ukraine war immediately followed the Covid-19 pandemic. Those still sub-200 are perpetually seeking to retain control over the rest of mankind through experiences that create the same sub-200 emotions such as fear and hatred that drive them.  This constant re-creation of a sub-200 world only comes to an end when, as the studies demonstrate, enough men and women move their consciousness above 200 and consciously interact daily with the field from which everything emerges.

The benefits of taking on a perspective to life like this are persuasive, 

As you move up the consciousness scale not only does your life improve as feelings such as fear and self-hatred are replaced by those such as hope and love, but the approach is the only real way change comes about on the planet. 

Boy and Girl with Russia and Ukraine flags wrapped around them embracing

If you would like to do this I have created a short mental workout to end the conflict.  The workout takes about minute and I suggest you do it twice a day.  I also suggest you combine it with other mental workouts for your personal goals and those you love.  This helps open your heart enabling you to quickly become adept at conscious interaction with the field. 

The higher your level on consciousness and the more men and women that perform the workout the quicker the conflict ends.  As consciousness levels continue to rise and more men and women participant, at some point the consciousness of the planet as a whole shifts above 200.  This new state called Unity Consciousness.   At this point the field (unity) is experienced as the sole originator of life’s diversity and we enter a whole new ballgame.

If you are anything like me as you start making progress with mental workouts you are not going to want to stop.  The feeling of being connected with the field and the effect on your health, relationships and general wellbeing are not things you are going to want to give up.  Don’t worry if there are hiccups along the way.  Growth is always a process of two steps forward and one step back.

You can get started here:












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