
Outrage In Italy As Illegal Immigrant Arrested For Raping And Impregnating 10-Year-Old

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by blueapples
Tuesday, Oct 15, 2024 - 4:25

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In the months building up to the 2024 United States Presidential Election, the multitude of issues causing the rapid deterioration of the country have become somewhat distilled down to a singular crux: border security. Perhaps that is because Vice President Kamala Harris' role as the supposed 'Border Tsar' has allowed the rhetoric of her challengers to put the spotlight on her most profound failures or perhaps it's because a policy of open borders succinctly demonstrates the globalist agenda hellbent on eroding the sovereignty of the United States. In either case, immigration's ascent to the paramount focus of the election cycle demonstrates the existential threat it poses to the future of America as we know it.

That existential threat is not unique to the United States though. Given that open borders have enabled the globalist agenda to infiltrate governments over the world, the maladies they infect nations with have reached pandemic proportions. The anguish of those ills has been illustrated once more in Italy, where a 28-year old asylum seeker has been accused of raping and impregnating a 10-year-old year in a migrant refuge center in the northern Italian region of Lombardy.

The vile sexual assault is alleged to have taken place in San Colombano di Collio, Brescia at a refugee center located in a repurposed hotel. The policy of re-purposing hotels to serve as free housing for illegal immigrants is a policy that has become the hallmark of the Biden administration and liberal meccas who have labeled themselves as sanctuary cities in an effort to curry political favor with the globalist powers that be. The perils of the programs providing illegals with free housing at the taxpayer's expense have been chastised abroad for the same reasons that pillar of progressive immigration policy making has come under fire stateside.

The same criticism has been echoed abroad as demonstrated by the outrage aimed at the Italian government in the wake of this latest high profile episode of endemic migrant crime. The center where the rape occurred presently houses 20 asylum seekers. The alleged rapist, a 28-year-old man from Bangladesh, was among the migrants housed at the center as were the victim and her mother, each from sub-Saharan Africa. The victim's mother alerted the officials running the center after she noticed a stark shift in her daughter's behavior and disposition. She was then taken to a local hospital where tests revealed that she was pregnant, prompting the 10-year-old to have an abortion soon thereafter.

The alleged rapist was arrested and charged with aggravated sexual assault. He awaits trial in prison in Brescia, where he will continue to be a leach of taxpayers resources. Officials have transferred the victim and her mother to an isolated location where authorities say she can be better protected. The victim and her mother had been staying at the migrant refuge center previously while awaiting their request for international protection to be approved.

Before the child was raped, the migrant center had already achieved ignominy in Italy. The facility took centerstage amidst protests against its conversion from a hotel going back to 2015. In the years since it's become a stepping stone for illegal immigrants to enter into the country, the vociferous opposition to it has largely been defeated through a war of attrition, the result of which left local resident demoralized until they ultimately accepted it becoming a cornerstone of their community.

Despite the appalling attack, local community leaders still have come to the defense of the migrant center. The hotel's manager, Giovanni Cantoni, stated 'I get along very well with [the migrants], better than with many Italians. And I have never, I repeat never, had any problems.' His sentiment was echoed by Don Battista Dassa, the priest of the local parish. 'If I hadn't read the newspaper, I wouldn't have known about this horrible event; in the four years that I've been here, I've never seen or heard anything problematic in the village because of migrants." the priest stated in an adamant defense of immigration policy that brought a child rapist into their community. Cantoni revealed that he was entirely unaware of the attack until the victim's mother reported it to him, highlighting his competency of management over the immigration center in San Colombano di Collio.

Although the utter depravity of the rape has reignited outrage over illegal immigration in Italy, the incident is just another episode in an endless series of repugnance. In the last few years, the rise in rape cases across Italy has made the surge of crimes committed by illegals impossible to ignore. That culture shock is part of what led to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni being elected to her office. Meloni campaigned on a promise to tackle illegal immigration head on, espousing much of the rhetoric echoed by Donald Trump during his 2024 presidential campaign. However, Meloni's promises have yet to be delivered as illegal entry into Italy rose by 47% in her first year in office. Although the Italian Prime Minister's platform has been met with the same kind of opposition to Trump's, her opposition's efforts to prevent her from delivering on her promise to stop the plague of illegal immigration into the country have finally started to falter.

On Monday, Italy deported its first wave of illegal immigration into Albania. The mass deportation was enabled by an agreement between the two nations aimed at lessening the burden illegal immigrants have had on Italy. Notably, the agreement was forged between an EU member state in Italy and a non-EU nation in Albania. Policy experts from other countries are keen to assess the outcome of the agreement as it could serve as a template to advance similar initiatives elsewhere in the world.

The logic behind the plan lies in the idea that immigrants deported to less desirable nations like Albania will be discouraged from seeking Italy as a primary destination. The agreement stipulates that migrants arriving in Italy will be taken by boat to the port town of Shengjin, where they will have their applications for asylum processed. After being processed, the illegal immigrants will be taken inland to the small town of Gjader where they will be isolated. However, under the terms of the agreement, no more than 3,000 illegal immigrants can be sent to Albania from Italy at a time.

The rape of a 10-year-old girl by an illegal immigrant in Italy draws many parallels with the surge of migrant crime enabled by liberal policy making in the United States. In March, a 26-year-old Haitian migrant named Cory Alvarez was charged with raping a disabled 15-yea-old girl in a hotel that was also transformed into migrant housing in Rockland, Massachusetts. Alvarez was subsequently released on just $500 cash bond in July.

Despite the utter lunacy of putting rapists back on the street, the practiced has become normalized, further emboldening criminals to illegally enter into the country given the lack of consequence. However, the tables have finally seemed to turn as immigration has remained the number one issue on voters' minds heading into the election. The cultural shift has put the Harris campaign and its Democratic allies on the defensive. Even stalwart Democratic figures like former president Bill Clinton have acknowledged that the lax immigration policy making led by Harris has enabled migrants to commit crimes like rape. When speaking to this point, Clinton admitted that the murder and attempted rape of Laken Riley could have been prevented if better vetting procedures were in place for illegal immigrants.

Although Clinton's candid response may have been made out of relief that he was discussing a rape and murder that he wasn't implicated in for once, his Freudian slip was still an admission of the Democrat's failed immigration policies led by Harris. With the 2024 Presidential Election just weeks away, reconciling that failure may prove to be an impossible task. The futile effort of attempting to do so similarly reflects the irreconcilable failure that Kamala Harris' presidential candidacy has become.

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