
Caught Between New York Slum Lords And Venezuelan Gangs

Portfolio Armor's Photo
by Portfolio Armor
Monday, Oct 14, 2024 - 10:10
An AI image illustrating the conflict between New York slum lords and a Venezuelan gang over Colorado apartments.

Only "A Handful Of Apartment Complexes"

Something extraordinary happened on one of the Sunday news shows yesterday--a news anchor (Martha Raddatz) attempted to minimize the insanity of American apartment buildings being occupied by a Venezuelan gang. JD Vance rightly roasted her for it, as you can see in the video clip in the X post below. 

In an X post on Sunday, our friend Isaac Simpson offered some interesting background on what exactly happened with those Venezuelan apartments. Following that, we'll close with a heads up about a contrarian trade we're going to place later today--a bullish bet on Boeing (BA). 

Authored by Isaac Simpson on X 

The Back Story Behind Those Colorado Apartments 

This CBZ thing should be a movie:

Creepy faceless New York real estate LLC CBZ Management, called slumlords by frustrated tenants everywhere online, buys up property in far flung Aurora, CO surely to continue predatory practices amid low income community that can’t stand up for itself.

These sorts of real estate LLCs are everywhere, many in LA, and they make huge upside by neglecting their properties to the absolute edge of the law, knowing that these types of tenants generally won’t fight back, while staying mostly hidden behind many layers of corporate paperwork. Amazingly, they are still allowed to largely stay anonymous by law—in America your debtor or landlord could effectively be an anonymous foreign entity, which is completely insane. Back in my gonzo days I researched these LLCs extensively—they remain faceless and nameless on purpose. They nickle and dime every little thing to squeeze every drop of value out of the properties.

But then, in a surprise twist, illegal immigrant Venezuelan drug gangs also arrive randomly in Aurora, CO, placed there by a different predator: the federal government. One of these violent gangs takes over the absentee New York slumlords’ neglected properties. They beat up the one guy the LLC has one site, and make antisemitic threats to CBZ via text. CBZ posts them on X.

The victims, of course, are the tenants, the ordinary rent payers just trying to get by. The gang makes life unlivable for them, and even kicks them out of their own apartments and simply occupies them. The police won’t help. The landlords won’t help. The feds won’t help. Their local government won’t help, all for their own set of selfish reasons. Thus the citizen locals of Aurora CO have been invaded and destroyed by multiple foreign entities from thousands of miles away—they’ve been screwed over by not one but two foreign gangs, and completely abandoned by both their local and federal governments.

You can’t make this stuff up…

Expect A Guest Post From Isaac Soon 

Isaac is working on a guest post for us about a company that went woke and suffered the consequences of it: Nike (NKE). Of course, something similar happened with Boeing, as ZeroHedge noted last week. 

Time To Bet On Boeing 

So why bet on Boeing now, given all the bad news? One reason is you already know about all that bad news, so it's probably priced in. Another is that the company has a new CEO, who is a mechanical engineer by training, not a bean counter looking to cut corners. Still another reason is that the stock has hit a technical trend line going back to the 1960s. 

In our trade alert going out later today, we'll go into a bit more detail about why it's time to bet on Boeing, and two other beaten-down stocks now. 

Our trade alert will include the options plays we'll use in an attempt to profit on all three stocks after they release earnings within the next two weeks.

If you'd like a heads up when we send it out, you can sign up for our trading Substack/occasional email list below. 

Afternoon Update

Our trade alert just went out, so check your inbox for it. 

If you'd like to stay in touch

You can follow Isaac Simpson on X here, check out his Substack here, and his marketing agency here

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