
Media Matters Positions Itself To Acquire InfoWars

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by blueapples
Tuesday, Oct 01, 2024 - 6:26

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For decades, Alex Jones has stood as an icon of alternative media. His flagship, InfoWars, has served as a paragon for how to advance free speech and independent thought in the face of the mass media hivemind. Sadly, Jones' vigilant endeavor is poised to come to an end following a ruling in federal bankruptcy court that has approved the liquidation of InfoWars' parent company, Free Speech Systems. The sell-off of InfoWars is the long anticipated final nail in the coffin of the crusade led against Jones, which was made possible following the defamation lawsuit won by families of the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre that put him into bankruptcy proceedings which have ultimately led to the end to his legacy in media as we know it.

As if the political agenda against bringing InfoWars to an end wasn't clear enough, the emergence of Media Matters and other left-wing organizations that have long reviled Jones as suitors to buy his platform erases any such doubt. The premise that InfoWars could fall into the hands of the globalist organizations Jones has fought so vigorously against for years adds further insult to injury. According to a report from the news outlet Semafor, that nightmare could soon become a reality as it was able to confirm Media Matters' intent to explore the purchase of InfoWars. Angelo Carusone, the president of Media Matters For America, acknowledged his organization's intent to explore its acquisition of the company when Free Speech Systems puts its assets up for auction on November 13th as part of its liquidation process. “We are diligently considering this acquisition,” Carusone said in an email to Semafor.

Media Matters is just one of several leftist organizations in contention to acquire InfoWars. That measure appears to be part of a subversive strategy to infiltrate alternative media circles in order to disrupt their influence and challenges to sanctioned narratives put forward by establishment media. In addition to Media Matters, a group heavily financed by ardent globalist George Soros, several other progressive news organizations have been reported to be coordinating with their largest donors in an effort to put together bids for InfoWars.

Jones had foreseen that tactic taking shape throughout the drawn out bankruptcy proceedings that will culminate with InfoWars' sale. Jones' initial Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization was converted into a Chapter 7 liquidation proceeding in June. With the writing on the wall that InfoWars was on its death bed since then, Jones has had time to contemplate how to salvage the situation to the best of his ability.

In response to the anticipated efforts of globalist interests to take over the InfoWars for their own devices, Jones has been courting benefactors who could outbid the likes of Media Matters at auction in order to effectively keep the platform under his control. Jones has implored Elon Musk to bid for InfoWars to facilitate the strategy constructed at keeping it out the hands of his arch enemies. By framing the purchase of InfoWars as part of a broader mission to preserve free speech, Jones has appealed to the motives that led Musk to acquire Twitter in 2022.

While Musk has not responded to Jones' calls for him to intervene, bidding for InfoWars has already begun under seal in advance of the November 8th deadline to accept bids for Free Speech Systems assets. Any parties who have filed a bid have been required to sign a non-disclosure agreement, adding an enigmatic element of intrigue into who will emerge with control of InfoWars at the end of its liquidation. However, that air of mystery is a double edged sword as the secretive process behind the auction also shrouds the extent to which subversive forces have become invested in usurping InfoWars out of the hands of Jones.

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