
Another Rationale For Affirmative Action Collapses

Portfolio Armor's Photo
by Portfolio Armor
Monday, Sep 23, 2024 - 19:10
A black obstetrician holding a black baby.

Another Rationale For Affirmative Action Collapses

Last year, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Affirmative Action, Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown, who was selected by President Biden largely because she was a black woman, dissented. In her dissent, Justice Brown referred to a study that claimed that black newborns were more likely to survive in the care of black physicians than white ones.

Skeptical researchers finally go their hands on the data used in that study, and it turns out it was misleading. In short, the black infants who had the most serious conditions, such as extremely low birth weight, were referred to specialists who were more likely to be white. One of the best scientific accounts on X, Cremieux Recueil, broke down the details in a thread last week. I've post that thread in full below.

Following that, we'll close with a quick trading update. 

A Quick Trading Update 

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Click on the image to go to the post. 

This one's on a stock with rock-solid fundamentals that dropped double digits after beating on top and bottom lines when it reported earnings last month. We waited for the share price to consolidate on this one, to avoid catching a falling knife.

The options market predicts a move of about $30 in either direction after it reports earnings again this fall. We're betting on a ~$25 move to the upside. If we're right, we can make a >200% gain on this one; if we're wrong, our max loss will be 100%. So it's a heads we win 2x, tails we lose x sort of trade. 

If you'd like a heads up as soon as we place our next trade, feel free to subscribe to our trading Substack/occasional email list below if you haven't already. 


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