
Kennedy, Gabbard, and Weinstein to Take Over DC and “Rescue the Republic”

Space Worm's Photo
by Space Worm
Thursday, Sep 19, 2024 - 16:43

Next Sunday (Sept 29), Biologist Bret Weinstein along with RFK Jr, Russel Brand, and Tulsi Gabbard will host a rally in the belly of the beast, Washington DC, to “break our addiction to war” and advocate for other key tenets like banning CBDCs in the hopeful Trump administration.

The event is open to the public. Watch the trailer here:

Two days after the first assassination attempt on President Trump, Weinstein called for a unity ticket, calling on the former President to select RFK Jr as his VP. As we now know from Kennedy’s subsequent endorsement and interview with Tucker Carlson where he provided a look into the behind-the-scenes, this is precisely what occurred (though Kennedy sadly did not accept):

 It is not hyperbole to suggest that four years of a Kamala Administration — aka the permanent DC bureaucracy unmoored — could push the Russia-Ukraine war over the nuclear edge… and God forbid China invade Taiwan during that time. This has been on my mind everyday, and today I happened to run into Bret Weinstein on the street. He told me about this event, so I wanted to help.

If you can show up to DC at noon on Sunday Sept 29, please do. Or if you can donate, they urgently need to meet their funding goal to host the event. Use this link to contribute via GiveSendGo (the crowdfunding site that became popular after GoFundMe froze the accounts of Canadian truckers protesting the vaccine mandates).

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