
Why Do Liberal Elite Women Insist on Talking to American Voters Like They’re Children?

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by Armageddon Prose
Sunday, Sep 15, 2024 - 14:38

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

There is some deep pathology here that Freud would have had a field day with.

I’m starting to believe — in all sincerity, not as a bombastic provocation; I understand it’s an extreme idea to float — that giving women the right to vote maybe turned out to be a net negative for society. Maybe it was inevitable; maybe it was the right thing to do; maybe it was suicidal. All three aren’t mutually exclusive.

In any event, it’s probably a moot point because I don’t see how Pandora’s box gets closed. The Pussy Hats would burn the country down if you took their Democracy™ away.

So this new brand of politics is, I guess, here to stay.

We had Hillary in 2016 admonishing the youth to “Pokémon Go” to the polls, which went over like nails on a chalkboard.

Now, having learned nothing, we have her protégé, Glen Walz (CCP-Minn.), rendering the same energy, leading a surreal Sesame Street-esque pantomime routine at a rally. 

Via Mediaite (emphasis added):

“Conservatives on social media mocked Gwen Walz, first lady of Minnesota, for a flamboyant gesture during a speech where she told voters to “turn the page” on Donald Trump.

Tim Walz was joined by his wife at a speech in Wisconsin on Saturday where the couple slammed Donald Trump and called on voters to end his candidacy in 52 days. Walz then began coaching the audience to begin chanting, “turn the page” this election.

So I’m going to be watching you because when I see Wisconsin and I want to watch you nationally on TV because it’s been pretty important place in Minnesota, help you practice with this,” Walz shouted to the crowd. “You just show me this. Turn the page. Right. Turn the page. And you know what else that looks like?””

“The eyes, Chico, they never lie,” Scarface, font of wisdom in an unlikely package, told his friend he later shot.

Tampon Tim looks on the spectacle helpless from behind — in all likelihood, being a skilled politician, recognizing that she is killing his brand with her Hillary Clinton routine, but clearly a broken and battered shell of a man not willing to cut her off. He’s been to the hospital on Christmas Eve after Glen’s been in the eggnog all afternoon for treatment related to his injuries falling down the stairs one too many times to make that mistake again.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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