
Angel Studios Crowdfunds $5M in 24 hours in Bid to Take On Hollywood Cabal

Space Worm's Photo
by Space Worm
Friday, Aug 30, 2024 - 23:50

Angel Studios raised over $5 million and counting in the span of just 24 hours as of Saturday morning. Angel launched its new Regulation A+ offering at 9am eastern Friday morning.

The fundraiser simultaneously expands its “Guild”, a community of over 345,000 members who dictate the studio’s future productions by greenlighting movies and TV shows.

Angel Studios surged to become one of the top 10 U.S. domestic box office studios in 2023, surpassing giants like Amazon's MGM and A24. They are now inviting anyone with at least $151.20 to invest and earn a portion of future ticket-sale income.

The Rise of the People's Studio

Angel is the studio behind the mega-hit  "SOUND OF FREEDOM", which earned $250 million at the box office and proved there's a market for films beyond Marvel/Star Wars spin-offs and Oscars-approved storylines. The “Guild” — comprised of members from over 150 countries — and its democratic approval process are the sole determinants of which movies/shows receive funding for production.

The “Tomatometer” — determined by “professional film critics” — says it all:

"At Angel Studios, we believe in the collective wisdom of our Guild members over the opinions of a few elites,” Jeffrey Harmon, co-founder and Chief Content Officer at Angel Studios. “This offering is about empowering that community further, aiming to grow it to over one million members, thereby making Angel Studios a formidable force in reshaping entertainment."

New funds will be put to work on a new slate of movies and TV shows, including "SWEETWATER," "The 1916 PROJECT," “HOMESTEAD” and "BONHOEFFER: Pastor, Spy, Assassin.”

Trailers for new films available on Angel’s app.




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