
The Day Arrives: Putin Must Pull the Chain on Kyiv

philbutler's Photo
by philbutler
Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 - 4:48

It is time for Russia to fully mobilize against the nagging threat posed by the NATO-backed Ukrainian state. President Putin’s pragmatic approach to keeping NATO off Russia’s borders will undoubtedly be shifted given the recent Ukraine Army incursions at Kursk. Many of us suspected it would come to this. Russia must finally flush the Kyiv-NATO experiment down the tubes.

V.V. Putin and Job

Vladimir Putin is considered by most experts as the most sensible and realistic leader Russia has ever had. Furthermore, most honest experts consider him the only true statesman among a cadre of corporate-owned politicians in the Western world. However, pragmatic and logical actions do not exclude total war when a threat level reaches a threshold. And Washington playing coy about why Ukraine’s forces hit the flanks of Russia’s Karkov line and pushed across the border adds insult to injury. Injury to peace for all of Europe and the world.

Vietnam visit
President of Vietnam To Lam welcomes Vladimir Putin to Vietnam and a state visit - Kremlin photo

The escalating situation on the Eurasian Steppe has a complexion now akin to every other attack on Russia since before The Great Game. Few recall the moment in history when the British Empire created a worldwide strategy to try and contain Russia. Given the U.S. role and the inclusion of a more unified Central Europe against all Russian interests, the strategies of the 19th century have been brought forward and magnified a hundredfold. In biblical history, the apostle James wrote about Job’s patience in helping believers during intense persecution. I do not think Russia’s president will allow his people to be persecuted any longer, even though he has shown the perseverance and humility of Job. Perhaps when the evildoers are smitten, Russia and Mr. Putin can forgive them. But not before the smiting. This all reminds me of another time.

This Great Game was a period of distrust, diplomatic intrigue, and regional wars like those we’ve seen in Georgia, Afghanistan, and now in Ukraine. Back then, the containment policy by the West never erupted in a full-scale war directly between Russian and British colonial forces. Later, however, the Brits, Americans, and Germans amped up the age-old obsessively with surrounding and dismantling Russia. The West created the situation and the conditions that led to Russia being forced to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine. No study of the subject can result in any other conclusion. The point is that Russia has very few choices—and only one logical one. Ukraine must be decapitated and either partitioned or absorbed by Russia altogether.

Zelensky: A Curse On Humanity

I am sure this seemingly drastic strategy has crossed V.V. Putin’s desk a hundred times in the past few years. And I suspect his logic will now shift. The Biden White House, run by the elites who are the prodigies of the British/American empire (Money Empire), is now feigning innocence in the Kursk incursion. Biden also pretended America was reticent to allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles from NATO states for attacks inside Russia. It’s ludicrous for anyone familiar with the situation! Nothing Ukraine’s Zelenskyy has done since his election has been undertaken by his masters in London, New York, and Brussels.

Putin’s Russia must crush Zelensky by whatever means necessary. This is the only logical course of action in such a conflict. Zelensky told BBC and other media the other day that “Moscow must “feel” the consequences of its invasion of Ukraine.” The problem for President Putin is the need to put Russia on a complete war footing. Already, the Russian defence complex has been ramped up. Reservists and new enlistees are being added to Russia’s active duty forces. This actor in a clown suit, a mockery of Ukrainians and the world’s people, must be forced to heel in front of humanity. The end Sadaam Hussein and Gadaffi faced is probably too gentle for a person of this nature.

Looking briefly at the events leading up to the current crisis, we find one side playing by the old rules. For instance, France and Germany lying to the Russians and the world about the Minsk Accords is the milestone that best crystalizes what’s happening. When former German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted the West was duping the Russians to reinforce Ukraine (via NATO), I’m sure Putin and others in Russia’s hierarchy believed the world would take notice. And the majority did. In the Middle East, across Asia, Latin America, and especially Africa, key people began to galvanize their understanding that the United States and its partners fully intend to rule the world completely. However, three-fourths of the planet’s population sits on the same side as Russia. The recent BRICS events tell us the multipolar system of world detente is upon us. And this is why Washington is prompting the Ukrainians into a suicide mission. It’s all or nothing, and unfortunately, Russia is now being forced into reacting like Israel would respond.  By this, I mean, ‘if you kill one of ours, we will kill a hundred of yours.”

Putin meets with security council
August 9th, V.V. Putin meets with the permanent members of Russia's Security Council - Kremlin photo

The Outer Reality

I guess I’ve studied Vladimir Putin as much as anyone. The thing that strikes me most about the man is his self-control. Unlike any other leader I can think of, Putin seems to be a person of what German spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle termed “mindfullness,” or a deep concern for inner reality in all his dealings. Tolle discussed this when describing Christ’s teachings about turning the other cheek. He asserted that Christ used a parable to describe how we should deal with the world around us. For Putin, like America’s own Abraham Lincoln, I believe his inner reality has finally been shocked by the forces arrayed against him.

You see, this situation is about more than the survival of Russia. Russia is the centrepiece of an emerging multipolar world where no single nation will govern policy, economics, or resources. At least, this is the potential. Pitted against this is a cabal whose lineage and soul wreaks of medieval usurping of power and the degradation of everything and everyone it touches. For lack of a better term, let’s use the term “Technofeudalism”, created by Greek economist Yanis Varoufakis. He says that the tech giants have overthrown regular capitalism. And I would add that these tech giants were created by, and are controlled by, the old family ruling elites – or spawn of the age of The Great Game. Spawn is a strong word, I know, but as our world disintegrates and as these elites snatch at what’s left of our human legacy, logic dictates that we all become soldiers against tyranny.

Few people today understand that so-called “conspiracy theories” are as often as not accurate. Take Varoufakis’ term and consider that British writer and futurist H. G. Wells defined the term “new world order” as a synonym for establishing a technocratic world state and of a planned economy back in the 1940s. In the 1950s, German-born American banker James Warburg told the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations that:

“We shall have a world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”

And here we are. Vladimir Putin, perhaps the greatest statesman of our time, will be forced into rallying every resource opposed to the American hegemony in order even to mediate peace talks with this cabal of bloodletters. For my part, seeing North Korean, Chinese, Belarussian, and Iranian troops on the border alongside Russians would seal the issue, one way or another. Given the weight of such an unwinnable conflict, even Washington and London would have to take pause. The Kyiv experiment must be flushed out of the human laboratory. And I believe Mr. Putin knows it.

Another version of this report was published in New Eastern Outlook

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