

DeRisk's Photo
by DeRisk
Tuesday, Jul 23, 2024 - 17:07

The world has long been familiar with atrocity.  But those that took place between 2020 -2022  appear to be accelerating a shift in consciousness itself.

By way of contrast no such shift happened on 21 July 1209 when the army of the Albigensian Crusade against the Cathars arrived at Béziers in southern France. 

Under the command of Amalric, they started to besiege the city, calling on the Catholics within to come out, and demanding that the Cathars surrender. Neither group did as commanded. The city fell the following day when an abortive sortie was pursued back through the open gates. The entire population was slaughtered and the city burned to the ground. It was reported that Amalric, when asked how to distinguish Cathars from Catholics, responded, "Kill them all! God will know his own."

Despite what happened the prevailing mentality of the time did not change.  By 1244 the Cathars were a small underground movement with religious life dominated by Dominican monks and the Inquisition.

In contrast covid fundamentally changed the way millions, if not billions of men and women experience themselves and the world.

Beginning in late 2019 the rollout of the fake pandemic was atrocity on a global scale. 

An indication of the carnage can be seen by the fact that Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” account for over half of all the adverse reactions reported to The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) since inception. It is estimated only 1 in 10 adverse events are actually reported.

A sample of reported adverse reactions to vaccines from VAERS showing number of reports and per cent of total reports.
A sample of reported adverse reactions to vaccines from VAERS showing number of reports and per cent of total reports.

The first stage in the shift in perception precipitated by the fake pandemic is the dawning realisation that we are not living in the world we thought we were.  The facade of the illusion has slipped. 

For example thanks to the work of Drs Sam and Mark Bailey amongst others many now realise that there is no evidence that any virus, let alone one with the name SARS Covid-19, has ever existed. 

This means a key difference between the Albigensian Crusade and the fake-pandemic is just that, millions of men and women now realise the basis of the recent atrocity is fake.

This realisation begins to dissolve the world.  For example if viruses are fantasy what about the rest of the medical system?

Fraud is not new in medicine.  For example, the measles vaccine was only introduced after the incidence of measles death had already fallen 98.6%. 

Yet again, the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1963 did not produce a shift in consciousness as we see with covid.

US measles deaths per 100,000 1900 to 1970

This growing awareness suggests there is something different about these times.  It is not that atrocities have ceased.  It is the effect they are having on mass consciousness.

Loss of faith in the medical system is repeated with government.  During 2020-2022 to avoid government mandates a large number of men and women took courses in Common Law, The Sovereign’s Way and other law forms.  They discovered that the legal system with its codes acts and statues is itself a fiction.  Your consent is assumed until you state otherwise.  Many thousands used this new found knowledge to decline mandates, cross borders without a “vaccine passport” and avoid the jab.

Again, by way of contrast during the US Civil Rights movement in the 1960’s led by Martin Luther King the legal system was never questioned.  King and his followers wanted to see change within the legal system to give blacks greater equality.  Accelerated by covid the fictional nature of the legal system is itself being exposed.

You may wonder just how much of the world we have been living in is fantasy?

I am suggesting recent atrocities are catalysing a shift in consciousness not present in previous instances of mindless cruelty. 

Something is different.

There is a growing awareness of the fictional nature of what until now has been called the “real world”.   But this awareness is, in my experience, just the start.

We may be at the end of a chapter in human history and the transition to something new.

This is suggested by the fact that the fictions now being exposed actually began with the first atrocities.  The earliest we know of was when king Tukulki-Ninurta I of Assyria 1243–1207 BC unleashed a bloody reign of terror on adjacent lands. 

Before Tukulki there were wars but we would today call them skirmishes.  Tukulki and his armies were the first known example of terror for its own sake.

Tukulki’s actions were the result of the experience abandonment by the god that had until that time guided his life.  As an inscription from the same period puts it:

My god has forsaken me and disappeared,

My goddess has failed me and keeps at a distance.

The good angel who walked beside me has departed.

This departure of the gods is narrated by cultures around the world.

In other words, the first atrocity we know of was the result of a profound change in consciousness where men and women no longer felt an intimate connection with the divine Source of their lives.

To put this another way, atrocities themselves began with a shift in consciousness.

Here is a carving of Tukulki standing, then kneeling in front of an empty throne where once his god spoke directly to him.  Unable to consciously come to terms with the pain of the separation Tukulki projected his pain onto others, making them re-experience terror and loss at the hands of his armies.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Tukulki Ninurta I standing then kneeling before the empty throne where once his god sat and told him what to do. Image credit: Julian Jaynes, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind page 224.
Tukulki Ninurta I standing then kneeling before the empty throne where once his god sat and told him what to do. Image credit: Julian Jaynes, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind page 224.

The first videos of the Troubles Away program go into more detail about the events that took place around 1,500 B.C.  Taken primarily from the work of Julian Jaynes and Immanuel Velikovsky, they demonstrate that men and women experienced an identity shift that precipitated the first atrocities.  We have been living with this identity ever since.

That is until now.

The fact the world we have known it is fast being revealed as fantasy suggests we may be in the process of another consciousness shift as profound as that which took place around 1,500 B.C.  How else can we explain why current atrocities are illuminating the fake nature of our current reality?

This begs the question: as these fantasies dissolve what we are we left with?

If the consciousness/identity shift of 1,500 B.C. and the fantasy world it spawned is the result of the experience of alienation from the Source of all there is, then perhaps the current shift is a re-connection with this Source. 

Scientist call this Source the Zero Point Field, the sea of energy from which all existence arises.  Our reconnection with this field is likely to be a direct experience of participating in its underlying unity and the ability to work with the field as the means to create the lives we want.

To give an idea of what this new reality looks like between 2002 and 2007 the urban murder rate in the US had been steadily increasing.  Over the next three years between 2007 and 2010 the upward trend was reversed by 1,725 meditators in Fairfield Iowa.  During this period there was a 28.4% decrease in murders in 206 urban environments.   This equates to 4,136 murders being averted.

Murder Rate in 206 US Cities, 2002–2010 Source:
Murder Rate in 206 US Cities, 2002–2010 Source:

To achieve this result there were no increase in community patrols.  There was no petitioning of Mayors for better law enforcement.  From an outward perspective there was no effort involved.  The men and women just sat and interacted with the field of consciousness as they meditated.

The probability that the reduced trend in murder rates could simply be due to chance is 1 in 10 million million.

If we are shifting to interact directly with the field then further atrocities are unlikely to be averted by a war on say, big pharma. 

It is more likely future atrocities are averted by men and women like you and me consciously participating in this identity shift and learning to work with the field.  The videos of phase 3 of the Troubles Away program are designed to enable this direct participation.  They teach how to activate and consciously program fields known as Mer Ka Bah.

No one precipitated the change in consciousness that began the atrocities around 1,500 B.C. It just happened. 

In the same way, I do not think anyone precipitated the dissolution of fictions we have lived by for so long. Like what took place around 1,500 B.C. this shift is simply happening to us. 

It appears our only choice is to resist the change or go with the flow and use the field to create the world we want.






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