
Von der Leyen Wins – Stay Tuned for ThyssenKruppGate

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by philbutler
Monday, Jul 22, 2024 - 6:46

Congratulations to all European Union citizens. With the re-election of Ursula von der Leyen, you can all expect more of the same. It should be of further comfort to Europeans within the bloc that 284 of 401 elected parliamentarians voted to put the Queen of vaccines and European militarism in charge once again. So, your leaders have matters well in hand.

The Poor Greeks

For the Greek people, who recently became the poorest people in the EU, Prime Minister Mitsotakis’ being one of the first to congratulate the former German Defense Minister is a potent reminder. Mitsotakis’ post on the social media platform “X” on election day means even poorer nations will soon wisk past Greece economically. In all seriousness, Mitsotakis and the EU presided over a Greek disaster in which the income gap between rich and poor grew ever wider. A key metric is that Greek wages have dropped at a rate three times that of Spain, or minus 30% of what they were before the financial crisis. By contrast, Queen Ursula’s country, Germany, has seen an over 12% increase in real wages, a difference of roughly 42%. But numbers do not tell the whole story. And neither does analysing just one country in the waffling EU.

Let’s look at what Ursula von der Leyen’s cronies are planning rather than what their propagandists tell the public. A good example is the discontinuance of the bloc’s massive post-pandemic recovery fund for poorer countries. The commission, led by some of von der Leyen’s German chums, is also looking at extending the “cohesion fund,” which blackmails poor EU nations to become more German. Cash for reforms (proposed €392 billion), but no emergency money to help poor EU people climb out of the gutter of bad policies. Here in Greece, a traditional culture is being destroyed to become “Europeanized.” Companies like TUI, Lidl, and others have accomplished what Hitler’s paratroopers could not. Germany took over Crete without a shot being fired.

Von der LeyenA Dumber, More Deviant Europe

Another prideful accomplishment of EU commissars is the fact that one in four children in the block is at risk of severe poverty. A deeper dive into UNICEF figures shows that 13% of 12 to 16-year-olds in the EU have been subjected to unwanted sexual requests. Furthermore, the statistics reveal that 40% of 15-year-olds lack basic proficiency in reading and math. FORTY PERCENT!

Before we look at the disastrous foreign policy the EU has undertaken these last few years. I want to present the reader with a fact that is unbelievable. Get this. In Austria (not Albania), women are in what’s known as “period poverty.” In one of Europe’s wealthiest countries, sanitary products are too expensive for many women. In many EU countries, women are having to choose between food and buying menstrual products. Meanwhile, an innovative German start-up now makes biodegradable tampons from seaweed that don’t need an applicator! Three cheers for Ursula von der Leyen and German industrial ingenuity.

On the proxy war against Russia, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly has voted to expand Ukraine’s use of weapons inside Russia. According to Declaration 489 NATO allies:

[want] “to support Ukraine in its international right to defend itself by lifting some restrictions on the use of weapons provided by NATO Allies to strike legitimate targets in Russia.”

Stay Tuned for ThyssenKruppGate

In February, Ursula von der Leyen declared that the EU would “ensure it has the sufficient quantity of material and the technological superiority that we may need in the future.” She went on to say the bloc intended to turbocharge the EU’s military-industrial complex. The EU boss spelt out her plan in no uncertain terms:

“At the heart of this must be one simple principle: Europe must spend more, spend better, spend European.”

And spending more against enemies created by German, French, and the US conniving over the Euromaidan and the Minks agreements will not come from the Western elite’s pockets. The poor and middle class of the EU will pay for these new weapons. Russia became a convenient enemy for two reasons. First, to start a new and improved Cold War to fill BlackRock, Vanguard, and other behemoth investment funds’ coffers. Secondly, the mission has always been to hold Russia down and to create a fragmented region, just like Yugoslavia became. Divide and conquer, as Julius Caesar said.

So, we must offer our condolences (not congratulations) for EU parliamentarians re-electing the woman associated with Pfizer Gate and what may soon be the European Union’s version of Iran-Contra. God only knows the entirety of what these people have up their sleeves.

Another version of this report was published at NEO

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