
Surgeon General's Warning

1081 Global's Photo
by 1081 Global
Friday, Jul 19, 2024 - 19:04

Warning: Bloomberg News Headline
The Surgeon General warns of carcinogens on Marlboro Reds so it seems like Bloomberg News is worthy of a warning for their special form of "toxins" (defined as substances poisonous or harmful to humans and can be produced by plants, animals or microorganisms). Bloomberg news is not a plant, nor is it an animal "so that kindly narries it down." (Hartman, FMJ)

The chin-scratching, fence-sitting, "all knowing" PhDs have spoken. Hide your wallet.

Did they issue concerns about inflation when the 10-yr UST was 0.52% in August 2021?

In fact, 4 months later, the move in inflation was "transitory" according to that Wile E. Coyote genius and most talented former Fed Chair and now Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen. I'm kidding. She's actually and obviously mentally deficient. Please do not poke fun at short, fat, stupid kids on the playground.

It was the easiest call in the history of markets dating back to the Tulip Bubble heading into February 1637. The government shoved trillions into the economy, the Fed Funds rate was zero and the global economy was reopening following total lockdowns since March 2020.

I'd take market advice and economic analysis from Jan Stenerud before I would Jan Hatzius of Goldman Sachs' (that “great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money”).

Thank you Matt Taibbi for that enduring precious gem.

*Btw, bonus points if you know who Stenerud is w/o looking him up.


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