
Why Everyone Needs a Gold and Silver Analyst Based in Asia

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by skwealthacademy
Monday, Jun 24, 2024 - 11:45

Authored by J. Kim of Tomii Academy substack

gold and silver

Having lived in six different nations on two different continents as a gold/silver analyst that provides investment guidance, I can honestly say, in retrospect, that geographic location definitely impacts the accuracy of my analysis. In my humble opinion, anyone serious about receiving accurate gold/silver price predictions should undoubtedly follow someone based in Asia, especially for those that actively trade gold and silver (including derivative products). In analyzing the accuracy of my gold/silver price predictions by those dispensed while residing in Asia and those dispensed while living in the Americas, I can honestly say that the accuracy of my predictions surges to a new higher level in Asia v. the Americas. I don't believe that this is coincidence either. Allow me to explain.

Regarding being much more informed about the truth of developments what will impact future USD purchasing power and therefore, gold and silver prices, ie. the BRICS unit and so on, I find that I'm up-to-date on such developments simply as a byproduct of residing in Asia and that, while such developments can be uncovered if residing in the Americas, one has to dig and search for such information if living in the Americas. Secondly, because I travel quite frequently for business when I've resided on the Asian continent, just personal observations lend a helping hand to critical Asian monetary developments that improve my gold/silver price analysis. For example, whenever I've visited China, merely stepping into a bank, in which physical gold/silver products are openly offered for sale, immediately reminds me of the diverging and increasing price of physical silver and gold inside Chinese borders versus the manipulated Western prices established outside of Chinese borders. Secondly, discussing gold and silver price direction with other Asian analysts that aren't incessantly bombarded by Western anti-gold and anti-silver propaganda also sheds a different light on my own gold/silver research, that quite frankly, I did not receive while living in the Americas.

And believe it or not, I've also found that my predictions for BTC prices have also improved when residing in Asia versus the Americas because it is more widely accepted in Asia that BTC is a key asset utilized by Western bankers to suppress gold/silver prices, so figuring out how BTC prices falls into this puzzle becomes infinitely easier when residing in Asia versus the Americas. In fact, though I only dabble in BTC price predictions versus the gold/silver price analysis I provide 4x/week on my patreon platform, all of my buys/sells I've issued since the end of 2020 for BTC have been on point within just a few thousand dollars of peaks (when I issued sell opinions) and sometimes within just a few hundred dollars of lows (when I issued buy opinions). The only one big blunder I've experienced in these calls in the past few years with BTC was missing the issuance of a buy opinion when BTC formed a low at the end of 2022. And do you want to know where I was residing when I missed the only low I've missed in the past few years? You guessed it. Mexico City, Mexico.

However, with Asia now my home base once again for the long-term foreseeable future, it’s exponentially easier to provide my research and analysis of future price behavior of gold/silver with the proper balance it needs from having my feet on the ground in the nations that will eventually drive global gold/silver prices as the center for global benchmark gold/silver prices will migrate away from London and New York to financial centres here in Asia, and much sooner that every Western analyst believes it will. As proof of the fact that I am now seeing gold/silver price behavior more clearly in Asia since I've returned, I've posted below, the daily analysis I provided about gold/silver price direction for this week last Friday, 21 June 2024 to my patrons on my patreon platform, released when gold was trading at $2,365 and silver near $30.70 in global markets.


gold and silver price analysis for the week of 24-28 June 2024

Click the image above to access and play my gold/silver analysis provided 6 hours before market open in NY on 21 June 2024


When you visit and listen to the above podcast (by clicking the image), at the 1m 57s mark of the podcast, I stated last Friday that gold would  likely move into the $2,300 to $2330 range to start this week. Since my posting of the above podcast on my patreon platform, gold plummeted as I predicted into this price range. At the 5m 10s mark of the podcast, I stated my prediction that silver prices would plummet as well into the $29.25 to $29.70 range to start this week from the pre-market high price of $31.85 established on 21 June 2024. Indeed silver has since plummeted nearly 5% to a low thus far of $29.35 earlier this morning in Asia. Though gold and silver plummeted quite a bit in last Friday's market, the point is that I provided these predictions a good five to six hours before they started to happen in Western markets last Friday.

I update my price predictions, as stated before, on my patreon platform, every day from M to Th, so my above price predictions for gold/silver will be readjusted as this week proceeds. Lastly, due to the fact that days and nights are reversed in the West and Asia, it’s possible for me to put in an hour of analysis every day to get the most pertinent, up-to-date analysis to my clients on a daily basis, well before markets open in New York. I can guarantee you that there is no Western gold/silver analyst waking up at 2AM or 3AM every morning to look at the most relevant data from Shanghai, London and New York in order to provide the best daily analysis he can to his clients before the markets open in New York every day. By nature of the differences in time zone, all analysts based in Asia will be able to provide better timely and daily analysis of PM markets to anyone stationed in the West. So, if you don’t follow me, that's quite fine. Just ensure that you follow another PM analyst based in Asia with a strong track record of accurate gold/silver price predictions every week for multiple years. I think have an gold/silver analyst based in Asia will provide enormous benefits over the next few years to any investor interested in executing solid wealth preservation strategies.


About the Author: J.Kim is the Founder and CEO of Tomii Academy, a recently launched 20-course online Academy that dispenses applied finance and investment knowledge, in direct antithesis to graduate level MBA and PhD programs that focus on theory that is inapplicable to building wealth in the real world. If you enjoy reading articles like this, please consider supporting him by becoming a paid subscriber of his Building Wealth with Tomii Academy substack newsletter here. Mr. Kim has used the knowledge provided in his 20 Tomii Academy courses of his online Academy to deliver yields in 2022 to his patrons that would have ranked his patreon open portfolio as the fourth best hedge fund in the world if it had been a hedge fund. Furthermore, from the end of 2021 to May 2024, he returned yields to his patrons that were nearly a 7X multiple of the yields returned by the benchmark US S&P 500 index over the same investment period.

Due to demand, Mr. Kim just opened up 33 new slots for his patreon membership, which you may learn more about by clicking the link. Click here to download fact sheets and read the FAQs about his just launched Tomii Academy.


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