How Juneteenth Became A Federal Holiday
The Case Against Juneteenth
Regular readers may recall us sharing a thread about our friend Jeremy Carl's new book about anti-white racism last month, "The Unprotected Class". Today he has a timely thread on X about how the George Floyd fueled the push to make Juneteenth a federal holiday, and why it shouldn't be one. Following that, we'll close with brief note about what we have planned for after the market reopens tomorrow.
2/ The public (exoteric) meaning of Juneteenth couldn't be more benign.
— Jeremy Carl (@realJeremyCarl) June 19, 2024
Who could object to honoring the end of slavery, an event that all Americans celebrate.
4/ Today's far-left racial politics, not a celebration of slavery's end, explains why statues of Floyd were unveiled on the first Juneteenth holiday.
— Jeremy Carl (@realJeremyCarl) June 19, 2024
“It’s actually an important event, an important time. But nobody had ever heard of it,” Trump said with his typical bluntness.
6/ On the eve of Juneteenth being declared a national holiday in 2021, 60% of Americans confessed to the respected pollster Gallup that they knew "little to nothing" about it.
— Jeremy Carl (@realJeremyCarl) June 19, 2024
As late as 2002, only eight states had *any* recognition of Juneteenth.
8/Barbara Rose-Collins, the Detroit Congresswoman. who first proposed a federal acknowledgement of Juneteenth was arguably even worse:
— Jeremy Carl (@realJeremyCarl) June 19, 2024
10/ Obviously, anyone stupid enough to fall for the tricks of race-hustling Dem charlatans should nowhere near GOP leadership.
— Jeremy Carl (@realJeremyCarl) June 19, 2024
12/ There *is* a good solution.
— Jeremy Carl (@realJeremyCarl) June 19, 2024
We could combine Juneteenth with MLK Day into a single federal holiday (as Washington and Lincoln's Birthdays were eventually combined into the President's Day holiday) saving billions of $ and reducing opportunities for Dem race-baiting.
14/ And if you want to understand how the modern Juneteenth holiday fits in to the anti-white ideology that reigns in America today BUY my acclaimed new book, The Unprotected Class.
— Jeremy Carl (@realJeremyCarl) June 19, 2024
Another argument against Juneteenth is that a more appropriate candidate for a national holiday to commemorate the end of slavery in the U.S. would have been September 22nd, the date of Abraham Lincoln's Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation (the formal Emancipation Proclamation was signed on January 1st, 1863, and New Year's Day is obviously already a holiday). And some suspect the real reason Juneteenth became a national holiday is because of its proximity to the holiday some of its advocates want to replace, The Fourth of July.
After The Market Reopens
It will be interesting to see how the music stopping in Japan impacts markets here. On Thursday evening, as usual, we will be posting our system's top ten names, and we'll see then if the Japan business impacts that selection.
Recall that our top names have returned 23.41%, on average, over the next six months, versus SPY's average of 12.77%. Last Friday, we placed a bullish options bet on one of them. We'll see if there's a promising trade in tomorrow's top names batch as well.
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