
OPeRaTioN PRoSTaTe GuaRDiaN...

williambanzai7's Photo
by williambanzai7
Tuesday, Jun 18, 2024 - 17:34

Look at that picture. Just a few of the maggots running down the much ballyhooed "Free World".

Don't tell me this is a boomer problem.

I'm an old clunker. I know it.

The question is...

What are you young folks gonna do about this?

Do not pretend it will go away by itself.

Go ahead and make my day.

It's your life!



"Interest rates in the U.S. and Europe have risen and bond prices are down. This reduced the value of high-priced (low-yielding) foreign bonds that Norinchukin purchased in the past, causing its paper losses to swell." Nikkei via ZH

Correction: Spiral not swell!

100% Class: Rest in Peace...

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