
Canada Manufactures the Next Pandemic

DeRisk's Photo
by DeRisk
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - 19:01

The next pandemic is being manufactured by Canadian Public Health officials led by Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer.

In a leaked video Tam and her colleagues discuss their current response to the H5N1 Avian Flu virus and recommendations for stepping up their testing in areas such as chicken farms and milk sold in supermarkets.

Screenshot of leaked video

As soon as one realises that there is, and never has been a shred of evidence for the existence of a virus of any kind the leaked video becomes a text book example of how, as I outline in the Troubles Away program, the Illusion that has caused suffering for men and women for thousands of years is perpetuated.

Tam and her colleagues are not passive observers of the situation.

Their monitoring program is literally creating the next pandemic.

This is how it works.

Because viruses do not exist, researchers “discover” DNA and RNA sequences, or genomes in samples where they believe viruses exist.  Based on this belief they then assume that the genomes they discover are from a virus.  These genomes are put together by a computer and uploaded to a database like GenBank purporting to be the virus genomes. 

When Tam and her team “test” for the alleged H5N1 Avian Flu virus they use equipment that looks for some of the DNA and RNA fragments that have been uploaded to GenBank.  When the test comes back positive they claim to have found the virus when in fact they have found nothing but a fragment of DNA or RNA that could have come from anything anywhere.

Deeply embedded in the fantasy that viruses exist the men and women of the Canadian Public Health System are in fact creating the next pandemic by stepping up their testing program. 

The more they test the more likely it is that they will eventually find some of these random pieces of DNA and RNA.  Just as with covid they will accept these positives as “evidence” of a serious risk to public health and respond accordingly.

As you watch the video you realise that Tam and her team are not evil.  Yet their actions, and the actions of others like them, are likely to lead to the same loss of liberty, vaccine injury and excess deaths experienced by billions of men and women since 2020.

Viruses are hardly the only fiction of the Illusion. However the great gift of the video is that you get to see first-hand how the Illusion and its suffering is perpetuated.  

Here are some salient points that I go into in more detail in the Troubles Away videos.

  • Unconscious – the Illusion is sustained by compulsive unconscious behaviour.  Notice how neither Tam nor her team have any inkling of the fantasy world they inhabit.
  • One fantasy begets another – By accepting the fantasy of a virus Tam and her colleagues are trapped into accepting other fantasies such as the computer generated genome sequence on platforms like GenBank and the almost inevitable conclusion as they eventually discover positive tests that they are facing a human health crisis.
  • It ends badly – troubles arise when we believe in things that are not true.  The fantasies we accept as true do us no good.  This is because they are ultimately based on false beliefs we unconsciously hold about ourselves.  That is to say troubles like the next pandemic are the logical outcome false beliefs that define a fake identity.

The good news is things are changing.  Before 2019 like Tam and her team I simply accepted the reality of viruses in the same way I accepted the reality of black holes, the theory of evolution and the need to obey the codes acts and statues of the country I live in.

I am not unique.  The fantasies which sustain the Illusion are no longer tenable to an increasing number of men and women. I created the Troubles Away program in order to help facilitate this shift.  As you watch the short daily videos you are likely to find yourself stepping into wealth as you have not seen before.



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