Making the Most of the Total Solar Eclipse 8th April
One of the little known facts about the coming total solar eclipse is that its path crosses the previous October 2023 partial eclipse over Texas, the state that has recently seen bitter political divisions concerning the border with Mexico.
Is this coincidence?
Not if you are the Vedic astrologer Silvia Suryodaya.
From her YouTube channel Silvia has produced a number of videos about what she calls the once in a century events taking place in the sky this month.
According to Silvia the path of the two eclipse crossing over Texas is likely to signal more division and separation in the state and in the United States as a whole (21:48) in this election year.
It may be that Texas becomes the focal point of what she calls a great ending and a new beginning (15.16).
From an astrological point of view this ending and beginning comes from the total eclipse taking place in the sign of Pieces, the last house of the zodiac (1:45). This is followed on the 20th of April by an exact conjunction between the planets Uranus and Jupiter in Aries (18:13). Aries is the first house of the zodiac. It is this combination of total eclipse in the last house and the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction in the first house that gives this month its extraordinary astrological significance.
In astrological terms Uranus is the planet of revolution. William Herschel discovered it in 1781 at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution that has transformed human society. It was also the time of the French Revolution of 1789 with its cry of liberté, égalité, fraternité and accompanying reign of terror perpetuated by Jean-Paul Marat amongst others.
When this revolutionary energy is combined with the expansiveness of Jupiter it can mean two things.
It can mean the energy of Uranus is intensified and its revolutionary nature accentuated.
But Jupiter is also associated with good fortune so its combination with Uranus can mean the changes brought by Uranus can also be beneficial – in other words, the liberté, égalité, fraternité without the reign of terror.
The crux of Silvia’s message is that these April events in the sky are indicators of the energies now influencing the earth. How these energies are expressed is up to us:
You can determine how things can change. Nothing is set in stone (20:50).
The twist is that we need a degree of self-awareness if we are to influence how they manifest. As Carl Gustav Jung famously put it what we do not come to consciously we experience as fate.
Silvia believes many men and women will awaken to their true identity due to the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction (19:40). However she warns that initially the road may be rocky. It can be tough to realise we have been living in an illusion of false beliefs about ourselves, illusions that go to the very foundation of society’s present structures (20:00).
The first phase of the Troubles Away protocol is about clearing the foundational beliefs of the illusion men and women have lived with for thousands of years.
As Jung makes clear, those who resist this process of inner change are likely to experience the full impact of the new energies as external events. Expect more earthquakes.
However the more men and women that are self-aware and can process the energies as personal transformation, the more beneficial their impact will be. After all, as Silvia says, the whole point of these times of change is to enable us to live freer, more self-determined lives.
So from an astrological perspective this month is a big deal.
The total solar eclipse in the last house of the zodiac followed by the revolutionary Uranus/Jupiter conjunction on the 20th in the first house of the zodiac suggests the end of one way of life and the beginning of a new. How we use these energies depends on our own state of being.
If these two remarkable events were not enough the month also includes the return of the periodic comet 12P/Pons-Brooks. Variously nicknamed the Horned, Mother of Dragons or Millennium Falcon comet because of its split tail, the comet is one of the brightest in the sky.
Comets are seen as omens of change throughout history. Pliny reported a comet during the Battle of Salamis (480 BCE) that ended the Persian assault on Greece. A comet woven into the Bayeux Tapestry portends the Norman conquest of England in 1066. Giotto adds a comet into his 1304 depiction of the birth of Jesus. In the New World the Aztec emperor Moctezuma sees a comet prior to the conquest of Mexico by Cortes.
Thanks to astrologers like Silvia we now know more about what changes we can expect from a comet this time around.
What we make of it is up to us.
Comet 12p/Pons-Brooks will be closest to the sun on 21st April.
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