
Middle Easterner at US Border Falsely Identified

Space Worm's Photo
by Space Worm
Wednesday, Jan 24, 2024 - 6:05

1stResponderMedia obtained this wild clip 4 days ago of a Middle Eastern man appearing to issue a threat, saying “soon you’ll know who I am…”:

It didn’t take long for a theory to spread like wild fire that the man in the video was Movsum Samadov — an Azerbaijanian who recently served 12 years in prison for arms trafficking among other charges; though the US seems to claim he was the victim of religious persecution… I don’t know whose side of the story is true nor care because the man in the video isn’t him!

Full text from tweet:

The Middle Easterner filmed at the border is NOT Movsum Samadov.

Look at the image that’s gone viral compared to this article about the REAL Samadov published on the day of his release from prison (1 year prior to border video).

His YouTube channel also shows the same mole on his left cheek as depicted in the article profile. …

The border clip is ALARMING. and sharing this bogus theory only prolongs the time which the John Doe remains unidentified.

PLEASE do cursory research before retweeting because two dudes *kind of* look alike!

And photos:




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