Medical facilities have begun suspending some elective surgeries following the disruption to supplies...
All three cases involve people who were in contact with cows in the Central Valley region of California...
"That is really wild when you think about it..."
At least three towns have stopped adding fluoride to their drinking water.
Forcing anyone to mask, given the substantial and robust evidence base showing conclusively that masks don’t work, was an indefensible policy decision. But specifically forcing children to mask was decidedly much, much worse...
"I think we identified something that can target early-stage disease... That’s a big deal..."
When breaking down the data by ethnicity, the study authors found that white children were most likely to have no vaccinations...
“We’re anticipating there will be major constraints on the U.S. supply..."
Scientists have expended prolific efforts searching for the elusive anatomical correlate of consciousness. Yet, the origins of consciousness remain unclear.
Science has emerged from this hostage-taking as a scarred shell of its former self.
"There are now hundreds, if not thousands, of substances added to our foods for which the true safety data are unknown to independent scientists, the government, and the public."
...lab-grown meat, meat substitute sales amounted to $1.4 billion in 2023, while sales of fresh and processed meat added up to almost $124 billion.
But in the grip of this overwhelming need to demand belief, they lose sight of the fact that there are bound to be cases where we - and they, too - should not believe...
"The most historic ruling in the U.S. fluoridation debate that we’ve ever seen..."
"Kennedy is right: All three of the principal health agencies suffer from agency capture."
...between 2019 and 2022, walking trips declined by 36 percent on a national level.
...the average wait for a GP appointment in the US in 2023 was around three weeks, two to ten times longer than in Europe...
Newborn screening may hold the key to SIDS prevention. Experts also share other prevention methods.