Le Pen Is Mightier: Conservative National Rally Crushes Macron, Socialists In 1st Round Of French Election

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The RN was seen winning around 34% of the vote, exit polls from Ipsos, Ifop, OpinionWay and Elabe showed. That was ahead of both far-left and centrist rivals, including President Emmanuel Macron's Together alliance.

There It Is: Biden Family Now 'Expected To Discuss Future Of Campaign' After Disaster Dementia Debate

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"The only person who has ultimate influence with him is the first lady..."

'BI-DONE!' - Plane Trolls Biden's 'Joyless' Dud Of A Hamptons Mega-Donor Event

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Reading from teleprompter, Biden did little to quell worries

Iowa Utility Board Approves Eminent Domain For Controversial CO2 Pipeline

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The total project spans five states: Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska. It will slice through 2,500 miles of land.

Watch: Chinese Rocket Static-Fire Test Goes Horribly Wrong 

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"Space Pioneer was conducting its test as a buildup to an orbital launch..." 

IRS, Treasury Announce New Crypto Tax Reporting Rule For Brokers

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The new rules are part of an effort to boost tax compliance among high income individuals, said the IRS chief...

Replace Biden With Gavin Newsom? Polls Show Democrats Would Still Lose

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A switch may occur simply as a way to avoid any more irreparable disgrace to the party going into November...

Morgan Stanley: What Slowing GDP Growth Combined With Falling Inflation Means For The Economy

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How should we interpret slower growth in this cycle, which has been so different from past cycles? What is the trade-off with inflation? And what would a slowdown mean for the Fed?

The Housing Tide Starts Turning: National Inventory Rose 4% In Q1 2024

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Lowest levels of supply remain in the midwest, while states like Florida and Hawaii have seen inventory increase...

Judge Denies Alec Baldwin Motion To Dismiss Manslaughter Charge In 'Rust' Shooting

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Alec Baldwin’s lawyers had requested that the court dismiss the charge against him on the basis of ‘the State’s destruction of evidence'...

Watch: Just Another Night In Gavin Newsom's California 

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"What lovely people who contribute so much to our society." 

Can Democrats Replace Biden? It's Complicated...

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"Gavin stretching in the bullpen..."

"The Ultimate Uncertainty": Nearly Half Of EV Owners Want To Go Back To Gas-Powered Cars

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"I didn't expect that. I thought, 'Once an EV buyer, always an EV buyer.' "

Robert Hur Emerges As The Clear Winner In The Presidential Debate

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The debate showed not only what Hur saw but why the Justice Department is making a clearly laughable privilege claim to delay any release of the audiotape until after the election.

All Eyes On Kamala

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"The next 30 days it may be up to her to make the case..."

France's High-Stakes Election Begins With Surge In Voter Turnout

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Marine Le Pen’s nationalist National Rally party has dominated all pre-election opinion polls.

Hurricane Beryl To Intensify Into "Extremely Dangerous Cat. 4" Storm 

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"Only five major (Category 3+) hurricanes have been recorded in the Atlantic before the first week of July." 


The Fed-Induced Housing Crisis

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While the Federal Reserve’s inflationary policies are publicized as protecting the American people, they are causing the American dream of homeownership to slip away...

Leftist Media Panic: Protect Biden Or Get Rid Of Him After Disastrous Debate?

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"Don't interrupt your enemy while he's in the middle of making a mistake..."

The "EU Defense Line" Is The Latest Euphemism For The New Iron Curtain

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The whole point of rebranding what was first conceptualized as the “Baltic Defense Line” is to market this project as an inclusive pan-European one that’s supposedly being built for the “greater good” of the bloc’s citizens...